
/saw"neuh, sow"-/, n., v., saunaed, saunaing.
1. a bath that uses dry heat to induce perspiration, and in which steam is produced by pouring water on heated stones.
2. a bathhouse or room, usually of wood, equipped for such a bath.
3. to take a sauna: to sauna after exercising.
[1880-85; < Finnish]

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Bath in steam from water thrown on heated stones.

Known in ancient times in various places, saunas are most closely identified with the Finnish people, who made saunas a national tradition. Typically, a wooden hut containing rows of flat stones is built near the edge of a lake. Wood is burned to heat the stones, and, when the stones are hot, cold water is thrown on them to create steam. The unclothed bathers sit on wooden benches in the steam-filled hut, then beat themselves with branches until their skin is red and tingling, and dive into the cold water or (in winter) roll in the snow. These extreme temperature changes are thought to have a beneficial effect on the circulation. In an adapted form, saunas are popular today in gymnasiums and health clubs.

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      bath in steam from water thrown on heated stones, popular in gymnasiums and health clubs, with some units available for home use. The sauna may derive from baths described by Herodotus, who tells that the inhabitants of Scythia in central Eurasia threw water and hempseed on heated stones to create an intoxicating steam.

      The Finnish people, however, with whom the sauna is most closely identified, made it a national tradition. The Finns built wooden enclosures near the edge of lakes. Inside were shelflike rows of flat stones that had fire space underneath, where wood was burned to heat the stones. When the stones were hot, cold water was thrown on them to create steam. While in the steam hut, bathers beat themselves with branches or paddles until their skin was red and tingling; then they dived into the cold water, or in winter they rolled in the snow. These extreme changes of body temperature were thought to have a beneficial effect on circulatory function.

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Universalium. 2010.

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