
/say"trap, sa"-/, n.
1. a governor of a province under the ancient Persian monarchy.
2. a subordinate ruler, often a despotic one.
[1350-1400; ME < L satrapa < Gk satrápes < OPers khshathra-pavan- country-protector]

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Provincial governor in the Achaemenian empire.

Darius I (r. 522486 BC) established 20 satrapies with an annual tribute. Appointed by the king, satraps were usually of the royal family or Persian nobility and held office indefinitely. They collected taxes, were the highest judicial authority, and were responsible for internal security and for raising and maintaining an army. Controls guarded against the abuse of power, but after the mid 5th century BC, with central authority weakened, satrapies became virtually independent. Alexander the Great and his successors retained the satraps.

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Persian provincial governor
      provincial governor in the Achaemenian Empire. The division of the empire into provinces (satrapies) was completed by Darius I (reigned 522486 BC), who established 20 satrapies with their annual tribute.

      The satraps, appointed by the king, normally were members of the royal family or of Persian nobility, and they held office indefinitely. As the head of the administration of his province, the satrap collected taxes and was the supreme judicial authority; he was responsible for internal security and raised and maintained an army. To guard against abuse of powers, Darius instituted a system of controls over the satrap. Top satrapy officials and the commander of the garrison troops stationed in the province were directly responsible to the king, and periodic inspections were carried out by royal officials. With the weakening of central authority after the mid-5th century BC, however, the satraps often enjoyed virtual independence. The satrapal administration was retained by Alexander III the Great and his successors.

      The title of satrap was also used to designate certain Śaka chiefs who ruled over parts of northern and western India during the first half of the 1st millennium BC.

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  • SATRAP — (Heb. pl. אֲחַשְׁדַּרְפְּנִים; Aram. אֲחַשְׁדַּרְפְּנַיָּא; Old Persian xšaçapāvan, protector of the province ; Greek σατράπης), an official title during the Persian Empire of varying meaning. According to Herodotus (3:89–94) and contemporary… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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  • satrap — SATRÁP, satrapi, s.m. Guvernator al unei satrapii, cu puteri absolute. ♦ fig. Conducător despotic, rău; p. gener. persoană cu apucături dictatoriale. – Din fr. satrape, lat. satrapes. Trimis de LauraGellner, 16.01.2009. Sursa: DEX 98  SATRÁP s.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Satrap — Sa trap (? or ?; 277), n. [L. satrapes, Gr. ?, fr. OPers. khshatrap[=a]van ruler: cf. F. satrape.] The governor of a province in ancient Persia; hence, a petty autocrat despot. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Satrap — Satrap, 1) Statthalter einer Provinz im alten Persien (s.d. S. 848); 2) ein vornehmer üppiger Großer, mit der Nebenbedeutung der Überhebung seiner Macht. Daher Satrapie, 1) die Provinz eines Satrapen, s.d.; 2) Beamtenwillkür, welche sich über… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • satrap — (n.) late 14c., governor of a province of ancient Persia, from L. satrapes, from Gk. satrapes, from O.Pers. kshathrapavan , lit. guardian of the realm, from kshathra realm, province (related to kshayathiya king, cognate with Skt. kshatra; Cf.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • satrap — [ satrap] noun 1》 a provincial governor in the ancient Persian empire. 2》 a subordinate or local ruler. Origin ME: from OFr. satrape or L. satrapa, based on Old Pers. kšathra pāvan country protector …   English new terms dictionary

  • satrap — sàtrap m DEFINICIJA 1. pov. pokrajinski namjesnik u Perziji 2. pren. samovoljan i okrutan čovjek; despot ONOMASTIKA pr. (prema statusu): Sàtrapa (Daruvar) ETIMOLOGIJA grč. satrápēs ← perz. kšathra pāvan: zaštitnik zemlje …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • satrap — ► NOUN 1) a provincial governor in the ancient Persian empire. 2) a subordinate or local ruler. ORIGIN Latin satrapa, from a Persian word meaning country protector …   English terms dictionary

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