
It. /sahs"sah rddee/, n.
a city in NW Sardinia. 114,561.

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      city, Sardinia, Italy, near the north coast of the island on the edge of the limestone hills above the plain of Riu Mannu, north-northwest of Cagliari. In the 12th century, Sassari, then called Tathari, grew as the coastal peoples retreated inland from the raiding Saracens. It became important as the capital of the giudicato (judiciary circuit, a territorial division) of Torres and remained a free town under Pisan rule. Ceded to Genoa after 1284, it passed under Aragonese rule in 1323 but was the scene of several rebellions against Aragon. The archbishopric of Porto Torres was transferred to Sassari in 1441, and the University of Sassari was founded in 1562. In 1718 Sassari passed with the rest of Sardinia to the house of Savoy. It suffered heavy Allied bombing in World War II.

      Notable monuments include the cathedral with a Baroque facade; the Romanesque churches of Santa Maria di Betlem and Santa Donata; and the G.A. Sanna National Museum, housing archaeological finds from all parts of the island, dating back to prehistoric times, and a picture gallery. Rail and road connections link Sassari with Porto Torres, its port, and with Olbia and Cagliari. Its industries are mainly agriculturally based. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 127,893.

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Universalium. 2010.

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