
/sas'keuh toohn"/, n.
a city in S Saskatchewan, in SW Canada. 133,750.

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City (pop., 2001: 196,811), south-central Saskatchewan, Canada.

It was founded on the Saskatchewan River in 1883 as the proposed capital of a temperance colony. It grew rapidly following the arrival of the railroad in 1890 and the town's amalgamation with two adjoining settlements in 1906. Saskatchewan's largest city, it is a cultural and educational centre and a major transportation hub and distribution centre. Its educational institutions include the University of Saskatchewan (founded 1907).

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      city, south-central Saskatchewan, Canada, on the South Saskatchewan River. Founded in 1883 as the proposed capital of a temperance colony, its name was derived from Mis-sask-guah-too-min, a Cree Indian word for a local edible red berry. Following the arrival of the railroad from Regina (161 miles [259 km] southeast) in 1890 and its amalgamation with two adjoining settlements (1906), Saskatoon experienced rapid growth. As Saskatchewan's most populous metropolitan area, Saskatoon is a distribution centre for an important potash-mining and wheat-growing region. Diversified industries include flour milling, food and dairy processing, meat-packing, brewing, tanning, oil refining, and the manufacture of chemicals, fertilizers, electronic equipment, clothing, and road machinery. Saskatoon is a major transportation hub (served by both national railroads), is the focus of provincial highways, and has a busy airport.

      It is a cultural and educational centre with its own symphony orchestra; its Mendel Art Gallery and Civic Conservatory and its Memorial Art Gallery have notable collections of Canadian artists, and the central display at its Western Development Museum is a pioneer village street. Saskatoon is the seat of the University of Saskatchewan (1907), and its associated colleges include St. Thomas More (1936), St. Andrew's (1912), the College of Emmanuel and St. Chad (two Anglican schools that amalgamated in 1964), and Lutheran Theological Seminary (1913). A provincial school for the deaf and the Saskatchewan Research Council headquarters are also in the city. Pioneer Days and the Saskatoon Exposition (one of Canada's biggest historical-agricultural pageants) are annual (July) events. The huge Gardiner Dam on the South Saskatchewan River, impounding Diefenbaker Lake, is 65 miles (105 km) south. Inc. village, 1901; town, 1903; city, 1906. Pop. (2006) city, 202,340; metropolitan area, 233,923.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • saskatoon — /sas keuh toohn /, n. Canadian. 1. any of several shad bushes, esp. the serviceberry, Amelanchier canadensis. 2. the berry of these bushes. [1790 1800; < Cree misa·skwato·min saskatoon berry, deriv. of misa·skwat saskatoon bush (lit., that which… …   Universalium

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