
/sar'euh mak"euhn/, n.
an English-based creole spoken in the interior of Suriname.
[1955-60; Saramacc(a) a river in Surinam (on the upper reaches of which the language is spoken) + -AN]

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      creole (creole languages) language spoken by the Saramaccan and Matawai peoples of Suriname (formerly Dutch Guiana) in northeastern South America. It shows much greater evidence of African influence and less Dutch influence than does Sranan, another creole of Suriname.

      Saramaccan probably developed its current structure during the early 18th century, although its foundations lie in the nonstandard varieties of English spoken by British colonists who controlled Suriname from 1651 to 1667. Shortly before the Dutch took over the colony in 1667, 200 Portuguese-speaking Jews from Brazil emigrated with their slaves and established plantations in the interior of Suriname. These settlers and slaves adopted the local English vernacular, which was influenced in turn by their Portuguese vernacular.

      Saramaccan emerged primarily among the enslaved and Maroon, or escaped slave, populations. It is thought to have arisen from contact between English and African languages (especially those of the Kwa (Kwa languages) and Bantu (Bantu languages) families) and to have been heavily influenced by the Portuguese spoken by the Sephardi and their slaves from Brazil. Like other Atlantic creoles, it gradually evolved and became increasingly divergent from English during the course of the 18th century.

      The Atlantic region saw a relatively steady influx of Africans over time. Slave mortality rates were very high; life expectancies were very short; and populations grew little through reproduction. These circumstances created a continuous demand for additional slaves, who were forced to perform the labour of the booming sugarcane industry. Curiously, the literature on creole languages has traditionally associated the development of Saramaccan almost exclusively with the Maroon community. As with many other creoles, however, it was plantations that provided the requisite and sufficient conditions for the emergence of this creole. Because, by definition, the Maroons lived in settlements that were isolated from plantations, it is implausible to assume that plantation slaves learned Saramaccan from Maroons, although escapees from among the enslaved must have taken the plantation varieties into the Maroon colonies.

      Saramaccan is considered to be among the most radical of English-based creoles in the Atlantic region because it is extremely divergent from English and features differences such as having a greater proportion of syntactic patterns that reflect the influence of the African substrate languages. Also, Portuguese (Portuguese language) words make up almost 40 percent of its vocabulary, including some grammatical morphemes (morpheme). Like Papiamentu, Saramaccan also preserves an African system of pitches or tones (tone), with a high pitch (marked by an acute accent) distinguished from a low pitch as demonstrated in the following sentence: Mi tyá deésí ómiI am taking medicine to the man.' In this example the morphemes for [progressive], give' (reanalyzed asto'), and ómiman' are Portuguese, while the pattern tyá-[noun]- forgive to,' known as serial verb construction, is West African.

Salikoko Sangol Mufwene

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Universalium. 2010.

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