San Remo

San Remo
/san ree"moh, ray"-/; It. /sahn rdde"maw/
a seaport in NW Italy, on the Riviera: resort. 64,302.

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      town, Liguria region, northwestern Italy, the chief resort of that part of the Italian Riviera known as the Riviera dei Fiori, east of Nice, Fr. A year-round health resort since 1861, its repute was greatly increased by the visit of Frederick III of Germany in 188788. The old town on the hillside has steep, narrow streets with 13th-century houses, the 12th-century cathedral of S. Siro, and the sanctuary of the Madonna della Costa (15th17th century). The new town on the coast is characterized by handsome villas and hotels, gardens and scenic promenades, and the casino. The small seaport is sheltered by a 4,000-ft- (1,200-m-) long mole and overlooked by the old Genoese Fort of Santa Tecla. San Remo has the most important flower market in Italy and exports blooms to continental Europe. Olives and lemons are also cultivated. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 57,120.

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Universalium. 2010.

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