
/sahm soohn"/, n.
a city in N Turkey, in Asia. 169,060.

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historically  Amisus 

      city, capital of Samsun il (province), northern Turkey. The largest city on the southern coast of the Black Sea, Samsun lies between the deltas of the Kızıl and Yeşil rivers. Amisus, which stood on a promontory just northwest of the modern city centre, was founded in the 7th century BC; after Sinop it was the most flourishing Milesian colony on the Euxine (Black) Sea. After Alexander the Great's conquest of Asia Minor in the 4th century BC, it came under the kings of Pontus and continued to prosper until burned down by its defenders when captured by the Romans in 71 BC.

      Known as Amisos under the Byzantines, it was renamed Samsun by the Seljuq Turks when they took it in the second half of the 12th century. Under Seljuq rule, it surpassed Sinop as a centre of trade between Europe and Central Asia; a large trading colony of Genoese was established there. Taken by the Ottoman sultan Bayezid I at the end of the 14th century, it reverted to the Turkmen Candar principality after Ottoman defeat at the hands of the conqueror Timur (Tamerlane) in 1402. The city was burned by the Genoese before the Ottomans recaptured it in 1425. The landing of Mustafa Kemal (later called Atatürk) at Samsun on May 19, 1919, to organize national resistance marked the beginning of the Turkish War of Independence and heralded the establishment of the republic in 1923.

      A broad avenue lined with government offices, hotels, and shops traverses modern Samsun eastwest along the coast. The city is the metropolitan centre for a fertile agricultural hinterland and the main outlet for the trade of the middle Black Sea coast. Its growth during the later 19th century is associated with the development of tobacco growing in adjoining Bafra ilçe (district) and the use of modern ships on the Black Sea. Its well-protected harbour, modernized and expanded in the 1960s, is the nation's largest port on the Black Sea littoral. Exports include tobacco and wool from the interior and cigarettes, fertilizer, and textiles from the city's factories. Samsun is the terminus of a railway line from inner Anatolia, through which iron ore is brought from Divriği. The city has air services to Istanbul and Ankara and is also linked by major roads with Ankara and Sivas. Samsun is the site of the May 19 University, founded in 1975.

      Samsun province is drained by the Kızıl and Yeşil rivers. A densely populated, fertile region, it constitutes one of the principal sources of Turkish tobacco. Area 3,698 square miles (9,579 square km). Pop. (2000) city, 363,180.

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