
/sam'euhr kand"/; Russ. /seuh murdd kahnt"/, n.
a city in SE Uzbekistan: taken by Alexander the Great 329 B.C.; Tamerlane's capital in the 14th century. 476,000.
Also, Samarcand. Ancient, Maracanda.

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City (pop., 1998 est.: 388,000), east-central Uzbekistan.

One of the oldest cities in Central Asia, it was known as Maracanda in the 4th century BC and was captured by Alexander the Great in 329. From the 6th century AD it was ruled by various Turkish, Arab, and Persian groups and was an important point on the Silk Road from China to Europe until its destruction by Genghis Khan in 1220. It became the capital of the empire of Timur (Tamerlane) с 1370; he made it the most important economic and cultural centre in the region. The old city contains many fine examples of Central Asian architecture, some dating to the 14th century. It became a provincial capital of the Russian Empire in 1887, and it grew considerably during the Soviet period.

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 city in east-central Uzbekistan that is one of the oldest cities of Central Asia. In the 4th century BC, then known as Maracanda, it was the capital of Sogdiana and was captured (329) by Alexander the Great. The city was later ruled by Central Asian Turks (6th century AD), the Arabs (8th century), the Sāmānids of Iran (9th10th century), and various Turkic peoples (11th13th century) before it was annexed by the Khwārezm-Shāh dynasty (early 13th century) and destroyed by the Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan (1220). After it revolted against its Mongol rulers (1365), Samarkand became the capital of the empire of Timur (Tamerlane), who made the city the most important economic and cultural centre in Central Asia. Samarkand was conquered by Uzbeks (Uzbek) in 1500 and became part of the khanate of Bukhara. By the 18th century it had declined, and from the 1720s to the 1770s it was uninhabited. Only after it became a provincial capital of the Russian Empire (1887) and a railroad centre did it recover economically. It was briefly (192436) the capital of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic.

  Samarkand consists of an old city dating from medieval times and a new section built after the Russian conquest of the area in the 19th century. The old city's plan consisted of streets converging toward the centre from six gates in the 5-mile- (8-kilometre-) long, 11th-century walls. The walls and gates were destroyed after the capture of the town by the Russians, but the plan of the medieval period is still preserved. The old city contains some of the finest monuments of Central Asian architecture from the 14th to the 20th century, including several buildings dating from the time when Samarkand was Timur's capital city. Among the latter structures are the mosque of Bībī-Khānom (13991404), a building that was commissioned by Timur's favorite Chinese wife, and Timur's tomb itself, the Gūr-e Amīr mausoleum, built about 1405. To the second half of the 15th century belongs the Ak Saray tomb with a superb fresco of the interior. The Rīgestān Square, an impressive public square in the old city, is fronted by several madrasahs (Islamic schools): that of Timur's grandson, the astronomer Ulūgh Beg (141720), and those of Shirdar (16191635/36) and Tilakari (mid-17th century), which together border the square on three sides. Samarkand has several other mausoleums, madrasahs, and mosques dating from the 15th to the 17th century, though they are not as impressive as the structures from Timur's day. The principal features of Samarkand's ancient buildings are their splendid portals, their vast coloured domes, and their remarkable exterior decorations in majolica, mosaic, marble, and gold. The historic city was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2001. The newer, Russian section of Samarkand, construction of which began in 1871, expanded considerably during the Soviet period, and public buildings, houses, and parks were built. There are Uzbek and Russian theatres, a university (established 1933), and higher-educational institutions for agriculture, medicine, architecture, and trade.

      Samarkand derived its commercial importance in ancient and medieval times from its location at the junction of trade routes from China and India. With the arrival of the railway in 1896, Samarkand became an important centre for the export of wine, dried and fresh fruits, cotton, rice, silk, and leather. The city's industry is now based primarily on agriculture, with cotton ginning, silk spinning and weaving, fruit canning, and the production of wine, clothing, leather and footwear, and tobacco. The manufacture of tractor and automobile parts and cinema apparatus, however, is also economically important. Pop. (2007 est.) 312,863.

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Universalium. 2010.

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