salt dome

salt dome
a domelike rock structure that is formed beneath the earth's surface by the upward movement of a mass of salt, may reach thousands of feet in vertical extent, and is more or less circular in plan: often associated with oil and gas pools. Cf. diapir.

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Largely subsurface geologic structure that consists of a vertical cylinder of salt embedded in horizontal or inclined strata.

In the broadest sense, the term includes both the core of salt and the strata that surround and are "domed" by the core. Major accumulations of oil and natural gas are associated with salt domes in the U.S., Mexico, the North Sea, Germany, and Romania; domes along the Gulf Coast contain large quantities of sulfur. Salt domes are also major sources of salt and potash on the Gulf Coast and in Germany, and they have been used for underground storage of liquefied propane gas. Storage "bottles," made by drilling into the salt and then forming a cavity by subsequent solution, have been considered as sites for disposal of radioactive wastes.

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      largely subsurface geologic structure that consists of a vertical cylinder of salt (including halite and other evaporites) 1 km (0.6 mile) or more in diameter, embedded in horizontal or inclined strata. In the broadest sense, the term includes both the core of salt and the strata that surround and aredomedby the core. Similar geologic structures in which salt is the main component are salt pillows and salt walls, which are related genetically to salt domes, and salt anticlines, which are essentially folded rocks pierced by upward migrating salt. Other material, such as gypsum and shale, form the cores of similar geologic structures, and all such structures, including salt domes, are known as diapiric structures, or diapirs, from the Greek word diapeirein,to pierce.” The embedded material in all instances appears to have pierced surrounding rocks. Upward flow is believed to have been caused by the following: gravity forces, in situations where relatively light rocks are overlain by relatively heavy rocks and the light rocks rise like cream to the surface; tectonic (earth-deformation) forces, in situations where mobile material (not necessarily lighter) is literally squeezed by lateral stress through less mobile material; or a combination of both gravity and tectonic forces.

 Salt domes are one of a number of kinds of salt structures whose interrelationships are shown diagrammatically in Figure 1—>. “Classicsalt domes develop directly from bedded salt by gravitational stress alone. Salt domes also may develop from salt walls and salt anticlines, however. In the latter case, the development of the domes results from superposition of gravitational stress on salt masses that initially developed due to tectonic stress.

Physical characteristics of salt domes.
      A salt dome consists of a core of salt and an envelope of surrounding strata. In some areas, the core may containcap rockandsheathin addition to salt.

      The size of typical salt domes (including cap rock and sheath) varies considerably. In most cases, the diameter is a kilometre or more and may range up to more than 10 km. The typical salt dome is at least 2 km high (in the subsurface), and some are known to be higher than 10 km.

      The cores of salt domes of the North American Gulf Coast consist virtually of pure halite (sodium chloride) with minor amounts of anhydrite (calcium sulfate) and traces of other minerals. Layers of white pure halite are interbedded with layers of black halite and anhydrite. German salt dome cores contain halite, sylvite, and other potash minerals. In Iranian salt domes, halite is mixed with anhydrite and marl (argillaceous limestone) and large blocks of limestone and igneous rock.

      The interbedded saltanhydrite and saltpotash layers are complexly folded; (fold) folds are vertical and more complex at the outer edge of the salt. In German domes, when relative age of the internal layers can be deciphered, older material is generally in the centre of the salt mass and younger at the edges. Study of halite grains in some Gulf Coast salt domes indicates a complex pattern of orientation that varies both vertically and horizontally in the domes. Mineral grains in the centre of a Caspian salt dome are vertical; those at its edge are horizontal.

      Cap rock is a cap of limestoneanhydrite, characteristically 100 metres (328 feet) thick but ranging from 0 to 300 m. In many cases, particularly on Gulf Coast salt domes, the cap can be divided into three zones, more or less horizontally, namely, an upper calcite zone, a middle transitional zone characterized by the presence of gypsum and sulfur, and a lower anhydrite zone. These zones are irregular and generally are gradational with each other, although in some instances the contact between gypsum and anhydrite is quite abrupt. Cap rock is generally believed to develop from solution of salt from the top of the salt core; this leaves a residue of insoluble anhydrite that is later altered to gypsum, calcite, and sulfur. Presumably, solution takes place in the circulating (shallow) water zone; deeply buried domes with cap rock must have been shallow at some former time and subsequently buried.

       shale sheath is a feature that is common to many Gulf Coast salt domes. In shape, it may completely encase the salt (like a sheath), or it may be limited to the lower portions of the salt. It is most common on the deeper portions of salt domes whose tops are near the surface or on deeply buried salt domes. The fluid pressure within the shale is significantly greater than that within the surrounding rocks, and the stratification (bedding planes) of the shale is distorted. Fossils in the shale are older than in surrounding sediments, indicating that the shale came from an older, and therefore deeper, layer.

      The strata around salt cores can be affected in three ways: they can be uplifted (uplift), they can be lowered, or they can be left unaffected while surrounding strata subside relatively. Uplifted strata have the structural features of domes or anticlines; characteristically they are domed over or around (or both) the core (including cap and sheath if present) and dip down into the surrounding synclines. The domed strata are generally broken by faults (fault) that radiate out from the salt on circular domes but that may be more linear on elongate domes or anticlines with one fault or set of faults predominant. Lowered strata develop into synclines, and a circular depression called a rim syncline may encircle or nearly encircle the domal uplift. Unaffected strata develop into highs surrounded by low areas. These highs, called remnant highs or turtleback highs, do not have as much vertical relief as the salt domes among which they are interspersed. Present-day structure of strata around salt domes may not in every instance coincide with the present-day position of the salt. This offset relationship suggests that late uplift of the salt dome shifted its centre compared with early uplift.

Origin of salt domes.
      In general, salt structures associated with folds have been linked with the same forces that caused the folding. Salt structures in areas without any apparent folding, however, puzzled early geologists and gave rise to a bewildering series of hypotheses. It is now generally agreed that salt structures (and diapiric or piercement structures) develop as the result of gravitational forces, tectonic forces, or some combination of these forces, at the same time or with one force following the other. Whatever the precise circumstance, development of diapiric structures requires a rock that flows.

      Although rock flow is difficult to visualize because of slow rates of movement, its results can be clearly seen: stonework that sags, mine and tunnel openings that flow shut, and glaciers of rock salt that move down mountainsides with all the features of glaciers of ice. Given very long periods of time and the relatively high temperature and pressure due to depth of burial, considerable movement of a relatively plastic material such as salt can result. A movement of one millimetre (0.039 inch) a year, for example, over a period of 1,000,000 years would produce a net movement of 1,000 m. The most common rocks that flow are halite, sylvite, gypsum, and high-pressure shale. These rocks also have densities that are lower than consolidated rock such as sandstone, and if buried by sandstone they would be gravitationally unstable. All of them are deposited by normal processes of sedimentation and are widespread in sedimentary strata.

 Study of models and natural salt structures have led to a reconstruction of the sequence of events in the development of salt domes, as shown in Figure 2—>. First, thick salt is deposited and buried by denser sedimentary strata. The salt and overlying strata become unstable and salt begins to flow from an undeformed bed to a rounded salt pillow. Flow continues into the centre of the pillow, doming the overlying strata; at the same time the area from which the salt flowed subsides, forming a rim syncline. The strata overlying the salt, because they are literally spread apart, are subject to tension, and fractures (faults) develop. Eventually, the salt breaks through the centre of the domed area, giving rise to a plug-shaped salt mass in the centre of domed, upturned, and pierced strata. Upward growth of the salt continues apace with deposition of additional strata, and the salt mass tends to maintain its position at or near the surface. If the salt supply to the growing dome is exhausted during growth, development ceases at whatever stage the dome has reached, and the dome is buried.

Distribution of salt structures.
      Salt structures develop in any sedimentary basin in which thick salt deposits were later covered with thick sedimentary strata or tectonically deformed or both. With the exception of the shield areas, salt structures are widespread. By their very nature, the classic salt domes generated by gravitational instability alone are limited to areas that have not been subject to significant tectonic stress. Some salt domes do, however, occur in regions that were subject to tectonic stress. Three of the many areas of salt structures in the world are representative of all; these are the Gulf of Mexico region of North America, the North GermanNorth Sea area of Europe, and the IraqIranArabian Peninsula of the Middle East.

Economic significance of salt domes.
      Salt domes make excellent traps for hydrocarbons because surrounding sedimentary strata are domed upward and blocked off. Major accumulations of oil and natural gas are associated with domes in the United States, Mexico, the North Sea, Germany, and Romania. In the Gulf Coastal Plain of Texas and Louisiana, salt domes will be a significant source of hydrocarbons for some years to come. Huge supplies of oil have been found in salt dome areas off the coast of Louisiana. Some individual salt domes in this region are believed to have reserves of more than 500,000,000 barrels of oil. Salt domes in northern Germany have produced oil for many years. Exploration for salt dome oil in the North Sea has extended production offshore.

      The cap rock of shallow salt domes in the Gulf Coast contains large quantities of elemental sulfur. Salt domes are major sources of salt and potash in the Gulf Coast and Germany; halite and sylvite are extracted from domes by underground mining and by brine recovery.

      Salt domes have also been utilized for underground storage of liquefied propane gas. Storagebottlesare made by drilling into the salt and then forming a cavity by subsequent solution. Such cavities, because of their impermeability, also have been considered as sites for disposal of radioactive wastes.

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