
/seuh lon"/; Fr. /sann lawonn"/, n., pl. salons /-lonz"/; Fr. /-lawonn"/.
1. a drawing room or reception room in a large house.
2. an assembly of guests in such a room, esp. an assembly, common during the 17th and 18th centuries, consisting of the leaders in society, art, politics, etc.
3. a hall or place used for the exhibition of works of art.
4. a shop, business, or department of a store offering a specific product or service, esp. one catering to a fashionable clientele: a dress salon; a hair salon.
5. (cap.) (in France)
a. the Salon, an annual exhibition of works of art by living artists, originally held at the Salon d'Apollon: it became, during the 19th century, the focal point of artistic controversy and was identified with academicism and official hostility to progress in art.
b. a national exhibition of works of art by living artists: Salon des Refusés; Salon des Indépendants.
[1705-15; < F < It salone, equiv. to sal(a) hall ( < Gmc; cf. OE sael, OS seli, G Saal, ON salr) + -one aug. suffix]

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Official exhibition of art sponsored by the French government.

It originated in 1667 when Louis XIV sponsored an exhibit of the works of the members of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture. The Salon derives its name from the exhibition's location in the Salon d'Apollon of the Louvre Palace. After 1737 it became an annual event, and in 1748 the jury system of selection was introduced. During the French Revolution, the Salon was opened to all French artists, though academicians continued to maintain near-total control over the teaching and exhibition of art through most of the 19th century. In 1881 the new Société des Artistes Français began to oversee the Salon, and with the growing importance of independent exhibitions of the works of avant-garde artists, it gradually lost its influence and prestige.

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French art exhibition
      official exhibition of art sponsored by the French government. It originated in 1667 when Louis XIV sponsored an exhibit of the works of the members of the Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture, and the salon derives its name from the fact that the exhibition was hung in the Salon d'Apollon of the Louvre Palace in Paris. After 1737 the Salon became an annual rather than a sporadic event, and in 1748 the jury system of selection was introduced. During the French Revolution the Salon was opened for the first time to all French artists, although the academicians continued to control most of the exhibitions held in the 19th century. With the formation in 1881 of the Société des Artistes Français to take over the responsibility of holding the Salon, and with the growing importance of independent exhibitions of the works of avant-garde artists, the Salon gradually lost its influence and prestige.

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