
/sal"ee uy'/, n. (used with a pl. v.)
(in ancient Rome) a college of priests of Mars and Quirinus who guarded the ancilia and led the festivities in their honor. Cf. ancile.

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      (Latin:Dancers”), in ancient Italy, a priesthood usually associated with the worship of Mars, the god of war. Chapters of the priesthood existed in Rome and in other central Italian cities. The Salii, who were all born patricians, were usually young men with both parents living. Their resignation from the priesthood was common on the assumption of high political office, and vacancies were filled by co-option (vote of the Salii). The priests wore the archaic Roman war dress: a conical helmet and a short, red military cloak covering a bronze breastplate. They carried the figure-eight shield (ancile) and the old-fashioned long spear. The chief Salii festivals were held at the opening (March) and closing (October) of the summer campaigning season.

      In later times the character of the festivals changed, the ancilia coming to be regarded as magical relics and the priests' primitive chant as a community prayer on behalf of the Roman state.

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