
/sah"kee/, n.
pen name of H. H. Munro.

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orig. H(ector) H(ugh) Munro

born Dec. 18, 1870, Akyab, Burma
died Nov. 14, 1916, near Beaumont-Hamel, France

Scottish writer.

A journalist early in his career, he wrote political satires and worked as a foreign correspondent before settling in London in 1908. His comic short stories and sketches, which satirize the Edwardian social scene, were published in Reginald (1904), Reginald in Russia (1910), The Chronicles of Clovis (1911), and Beasts and Super-Beasts (1914); the best-known include "Tobermory" and "The Open Window." Studded with epigrams and with well-contrived plots, his stories reveal a vein of cruelty and a self-identification with the enfant terrible. He was killed in action in World War I.

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Scottish writer
pseudonym of  H(ector) H(ugh) Munro 
born Dec. 18, 1870, Akyab, Burma [now Myanmar]
died Nov. 14, 1916, near Beaumont-Hamel, France

      Scottish writer and journalist whose stories depict the Edwardian social scene with a flippant wit and power of fantastic invention used both to satirize social pretension, unkindness, and stupidity and to create an atmosphere of horror.

      Munro was the son of an officer in the Burma police. At the age of two he was sent to live with his aunts near Barnstaple, Devon, England. He later took revenge on their strictness and lack of understanding by portraying tyrannical aunts in many of his stories about children. He was educated at Exmouth and at Bedford grammar school, and in 1893 he joined the Burma police but was invalided out. Turning to journalism, he wrote political satires for the Westminster Gazette and in 1900 published The Rise of the Russian Empire, a serious historical work.

      After acting as foreign correspondent for The Morning Post in the Balkans, Russia, and Paris, in 1908 he settled in London, writing short stories and sketches: Reginald (1904), Reginald in Russia (1910), The Chronicles of Clovis (1912), and Beasts and Super-Beasts (1914). Written in a style studded with epigrams and with well-contrived plots often turning on practical jokes or surprise endings, his stories reveal a vein of cruelty in their author and a self-identification with the enfant terrible. Among his most frequently anthologized works areTobermory,” “The Open Window,” “Sredni Vashtar,” “Laura,” andThe Schartz-Metterklume Method.” His novel The Unbearable Bassington (1912) describes the adventures of a fastidious and likable but maladjusted hero, in a manner anticipating that of the early work of the English satirist Evelyn Waugh (Waugh, Evelyn). Munro was killed in action in World War I.

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