
/sah"ee dah'/, n.
a seaport in SW Lebanon: the site of ancient Sidon. 24,740.

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      city, northwestern Algeria, on the southern slopes of the Tell Atlas and the northern fringe of the High Plateaus (Hauts Plateaux). The city's site has been of military importance since the construction there of a Roman fort. Saïda was a stronghold of Abdelkader, the Algerian national leader who burned the town as French forces approached it in 1844. Modern Saïda was founded as a French military outpost in 1854 and once housed a regiment of the French Foreign Legion. Its growth was stimulated by the arrival of the Oran-Béchar railway, and it was incorporated in 1862.

      The city lies along the right bank of the Wadi Saïda, protected by wooded mountains on the opposite shore that rise steeply from the valley floor to an elevation of some 4,000 feet (1,200 metres). The surrounding region is fertile and well-watered, and cereals (mainly wheat), olives, and grapes are grown to the north. Esparto grass and cereals are grown and goats and sheep are herded in the dry steppelike High Plateaus and in the Saharan Atlas. These resources combine to make Saïda a trade centre for sheep, wool, and cereals. It is also noted for fine leatherwork and especially for its mineral waters (bottled and sold nationally). Pop. (2004 est.) 130,600.

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Universalium. 2010.

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