
/sag'euh nay"/, n.
a river in SE Canada, in Quebec, flowing SE from Lake St. John to the St. Lawrence. 125 mi. (200 km) long.

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      city, SaguenayLac-Saint-Jean region, southern Quebec province, Canada. In 2002 Chicoutimi merged with Jonquière and other former municipalities to form the city of Saguenay; the two former cities became districts of the new entity.

      Chicoutimi district is situated at the head of navigation on the Saguenay River, while Jonquière district lies along the Rivière aux Sables, a tributary of the Saguenay. Established in 1676 as a Jesuit mission and trading post, Chicoutimi grew rapidly after 1850 with the development of lumbering. It was incorporated as a town in 1930, and in 1976 the city of Chicoutimi was created from several neighbouring municipalities and a parish. Surrounding areas were annexed, including Chicoutimi-Nord, Rivière-du-Moulin, and an earlier community called Saguenay. That city remained until the further consolidations of 2002.

      Saguenay, 120 miles (190 km) north of Quebec city, is a rail hub and an administrative, commercial, and industrial centre. It is closely associated with the extensive hydroelectric development on the Saguenay River that provides power for a huge aluminum-smelting plant in Jonquière district. The city's other manufactures include pulp, paper, furniture, aluminum window frames, wrought iron, leather goods, and textiles. The Chicoutimi district is the site of a large hospital and the seat of a bishopric established there in 1878. The city also has a branch of the University of Québec. Pop. (2006) 143,692.

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Universalium. 2010.

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