
/sak"reuh lij/, n.
1. the violation or profanation of anything sacred or held sacred.
2. an instance of this.
3. the stealing of anything consecrated to the service of God.
[1275-1325; ME < OF < L sacrilegium, equiv. to sacri- (comb. form of sacrum holy place) + leg(ere) to steal, lit., gather + -ium -IUM]

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      originally, the theft of something sacred; as early as the 1st century BC, however, the Latin term for sacrilege came to mean any injury, violation, or profanation of sacred things. Legal punishment for such acts was already sanctioned, in the Levitical code of ancient Israel. The Israelites had extensive rules to safeguard what was holy or consecrated, violation of which (especially of temple laws) often led to mob violence.

      In Greece sacrilege was closely connected with treason: a temple was regarded as the home of a protector of the state, and thievery of temple property was consequently a crime against the state. Roman cults were protected by taboos, and there was no precise term in Roman law equivalent to sacrilege. Early Christians most frequently used sacrilege in the restricted sense of theft of sacred things; but by the mid-4th century the broader meaning had been adopted. In the Theodosian Code (published AD 438) of the Eastern Roman Empire, the term sacrilege applied to apostasy (from Christianity), heresy, schism, Judaism, paganism, actions against the immunity of churches and clergy or the privileges of church courts, the desecration of sacraments, and the violation of the Sabbath. The Frankish synods of the Middle Ages emphasized the crime of seizing church property. The worst sacrilege of all was to defile the Host of the Eucharist, an act generally punishable by torture and death.

      During the Protestant Reformation, sacrilege was a cause of great enmity between Roman Catholics and Protestants. Contemporary Protestants generally deny the inherent sacredness of objects and give little attention to the notion of sacrilege. In Roman Catholicism it is dealt with in the Code of Canon Law and extends to persons as well as to objects.

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Universalium. 2010.

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