
/say"beuhr/, n., v.t., sabred, sabring. Chiefly Brit.

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also spelled  saber 

      heavy military sword with a long cutting edge and, often, a curved blade. Most commonly a cavalry weapon, the sabre was derived from a Hungarian cavalry sword introduced from the Orient in the 18th century; also a light fencing weapon developed in Italy in the 19th century for duelling. The military sabre had been relegated to a ceremonial role by the 20th century, while the fencing sabre had become one of the sport's standard weapons.

 The modern fencing sabre (see illustration—>) is no heavier than a foilup to 500 grams (about 17.5 ounces) in weightbut it is slightly shorter105 centimetres (3 feet 5 inches) overall and 88 centimetres (2 feet 11 inches) in the blade. The blade is V-shaped, with cutting edges along its entire front and along about one-third of its back from the tip. It is rigid on its cutting edges but flexible on its flat sides. The handguard curves back to the pommel, protecting the knuckles.

      Rules are basically similar to fencing with the foil, except that the opponent's whole body above the waist is the target, and touches with the cutting edges as well as the point are scored. Electrical scoring became the standard in 1992, and five touches decide the match. A retreat of more than 10 metres (about 33 feet) scores as a touch against the defender.

      Sabre events, with their frequent leaping and running attacks and cutting and thrusting strokes, are probably the most spectacular in fencing. They are included in Olympic Games and other international fencing competitions. Olympic medals have been awarded to men in individual sabre competition since the inception of the modern Games in 1896; team competition began in 1908. Sabre events in the Olympics are not held for women.

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