
/say"beuhl/, n. Cape
1. a cape on a small island at the SW tip of Nova Scotia, Canada: lighthouse.
2. a cape at the S tip of Florida.

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Carnivore (Martes zibellina, family Mustelidae) that inhabits forests of northern Asia and is highly valued for its fur.

The name is sometimes applied to related European and Asian species and to the American marten. The sable is 1320 in. (3251 cm) long, excluding the 57-in. (1318-cm) tail, and weighs 24 lbs (0.91.8 kg). The coat varies from brown to almost black. The solitary, arboreal sable eats small animals and eggs.

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      (Martes zibellina), graceful carnivore of the weasel family, Mustelidae, found in the forests of northern Asia and highly valued for its fine fur. The common name is sometimes also applied to related European and Asian species and to the American marten. The sable ranges from about 32 to 51 centimetres (13 to 20 inches) long, excluding the 1318-cm tail, and weighs 0.91.8 kilograms (24 pounds). Its body colour varies from brown to almost black, sometimes with a throat patch from dusky to salmon.

      The sable is solitary and arboreal in habits, feeding on small animals and eggs. The unusually long gestation of about 250 to 300 days is caused by delayed implantation of the fertilized egg in the wall of the uterus. The litter numbers from one to four.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Sable — Sa ble, a. Of the color of the sable s fur; dark; black; used chiefly in poetry. [1913 Webster] Night, sable goddess! from her ebon throne, In rayless majesty, now stretches forth Her leaden scepter o er a slumbering world. Young. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sable — Sa ble, n. [OF. sable, F. zibeline sable (in sense 4), LL. sabellum; cf. D. sabel, Dan. sabel, zobel, Sw. sabel, sobel, G. zobel; all fr. Russ. s[ o]bole.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A carnivorous animal of the Weasel family ({Mustela zibellina}) native of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sablé — sablé, ée (sa blé, ée) part. passé de sabler. 1°   Couvert de sable. Manége sablé.    Fontaine sablée, vaisseau dans lequel on fait filtrer l eau à travers le sable.    S. m. Sablé, sorte de hamster, cricetus arenarius, DESM. 2°   Tacheté. •   Le …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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  • sable — [sā′bəl] n. pl. sables or sable [OFr < ML sabelum < MDu sabel < OHG zobel < Russ sobol ] 1. any marten; esp., the stone marten or a darker American species (Martes americana) 2. a) the costly fur or pelt of the sable b) [pl.] a coat,… …   English World dictionary

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