
/roor"ik/, n.
died A.D. 879, Scandinavian prince: founder of the Russian monarchy. Russian, Ryurik.

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or Rorik

died 879

Semilegendary founder of the Rurik dynasty of Kievan Rus.

He was a Viking (Varangian) prince. According to one 12th-century Russian chronicle, the people of Novgorod invited him to take over their strife-ridden government (с 862). Other historians think that he conquered Novgorod or that he and his army were rebellious mercenaries. Igor, probably his son, is held to be the real founder of the Russian princely house.

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Norse leader
also spelled  Rorik  or  Hrorekr , Russian  Ryurik 
died AD 879

      the semilegendary founder of the Rurik Dynasty of Kievan Rus.

      Rurik was a Viking, or Varangian, prince. His story is told in the The Russian Primary Chronicle (Russian Primary Chronicle, The) (compiled at the beginning of the 12th century) but is not accepted at face value by modern historians. According to the chronicle, the people of Novgorod, tired of political strife, invited the Varangians about AD 862 to establish an orderly and just government there. Hence, Rurik came with his two brothers and a large retinue (druzhina) and became ruler of the city and region of Novgorod.

      Some historians think that Rurik came from the Scandinavian peninsula or from Jutland (now in Denmark) and seized the town of Ladoga, on Lake Ladoga. After establishing a stronghold there (c. 855), he may have gone southward along the Volkhov and captured Novgorod. Another possibility is that Rurik and his army were mercenaries, hired to guard the Volkhov-Dnieper waterway, who turned against their employers.

      Rurik's kinsman Oleg founded the grand principality of Kiev. Oleg's successor, Igor, believed to be Rurik's son, is considered the real founder of the Russian princely house.

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