
/run"euhr/, n.
1. a person, animal, or thing that runs, esp. as a racer.
2. a messenger.
3. a messenger of a bank or brokerage house.
4. Baseball. See base runner.
5. Football. the ball-carrier.
6. a person whose business it is to solicit patronage or trade.
7. a person acting as collector, agent, or the like, for a bank, broker, etc.
8. something in or on which something else runs or moves.
9. either of the long, bladelike strips of metal or wood on which a sled or sleigh slides.
10. the blade of an ice skate.
11. the rotating system of blades driven by the fluid passing through a reaction turbine.
12. the rotating member of a pair of millstones. Cf. bed stone.
13. a roller on which something moves along.
14. Furniture.
a. a sliding piece, as a loper.
b. rocker (def. 1).
15. an operator or manager, as of a machine.
16. a long, narrow rug, suitable for a hall or passageway.
17. a long, narrow strip of line, embroidery, lace, or the like, placed across a table.
18. Bot.
a. a slender stolon that runs along the surface of the ground and sends out roots and leaves at the nodes, as in the strawberry.
b. a plant that spreads by such stems.
19. Metall. any of the channels through which molten metal flows.
20. a smuggler.
21. a vessel engaged in smuggling.
22. a person who takes, transmits, and often pays off bets for a bookmaker or a numbers pool.
23. Ichthyol. a jurel, Caranx crysos, inhabiting waters from Cape Cod to Brazil.
24. Building Trades. a horizontal longitudinal timber resting upon the uprights of a staging and supporting the footing pieces.
25. Theat. a piece of carpet or matting placed in the wings for deadening offstage sounds.
26. a tackle or part of a tackle consisting of a line rove through a single block and fixed at one end. See diag. under tackle.
[1250-1300; ME; see RUN, -ER1]

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      any of certain species of fishes in the family Carangidae (order Perciformes), which also includes the jacks, amberjacks, and pompanos. The blue runner (Caranx crysos) is a shiny, greenish or bluish fish of the Atlantic. Like others in the family, blue runners have deeply forked tails. They are popular game fish that reach lengths of 60 cm (2 feet).

      The rainbow runner (Elagatis bipinnulata) is a spectacularly coloured fish, metallic blue on the upper half of the body and yellow on the lower. Two deeper blue longitudinal lines complement the brilliant colour pattern. Rainbow runners attain lengths of more than 1.2 m (4 feet).

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