
/rooh ahn"deuh oo roon"dee/, n.
a former territory in central Africa, E of the Democratic Republic of the Congo: formerly part of German East Africa; administered by Belgium as a League of Nations mandate 1923-46 and as a United Nations trust territory 1946-62; now divided into the independent states of Rwanda and Burundi.

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Former territory, east-central Africa.

It was administered by Belgium from 1922 to 1962, during which time it was reconstituted (1946) as a UN trust territory. It was part of the Belgian Congo from 1925 to 1960. In 1962 it was divided into the independent states of Rwanda and Burundi.

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historical territory, Africa
      twin territory in central East Africa that was administered by Belgium from 1922 to 1962 and which thereafter became the independent states of Rwanda and Burundi (qq.v.). After World War I, in 1922, with an adjustment of frontiers, a slice of what had been formerly German East Africa came under Belgian control and, in 1924, became the mandate of Ruanda-Urundi, under League of Nations auspices. After World War II, in 1946, the twin territory was reconstituted as a United Nations trust territory. Throughout its history it was administered under a vice governor-general as an integral part of the Belgian Congo, but with a separate budget.

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Universalium. 2010.

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