round table

round table
1. a number of persons gathered together for conference, discussion of some subject, etc., and often seated at a round table.
2. the discussion, topic of discussion, or the conference itself.
3. (cap.) Arthurian Romance.
a. the table, made round to avoid quarrels as to precedence, about which King Arthur and his knights sat.
b. King Arthur and his knights.
Also, roundtable (for defs. 1, 2).
[1250-1300; ME]

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      in Arthurian legend, the table of Arthur, Britain's legendary king, which was first mentioned in Wace of Jersey's Roman de Brut (1155). This told of King Arthur's having a round table made so that none of his barons, when seated at it, could claim precedence over the others. The literary importance of the Round Table, especially in romances of the 13th century and afterward, lies in the fact that it served to provide the knights of Arthur's court with a name and a collective personality. The fellowship of the Round Table, in fact, became comparable to, and in many respects the prototype of, the many great orders of chivalry that were founded in Europe during the later Middle Ages. By the late 15th century, when Sir Thomas Malory wrote his Le Morte Darthur, the notion of chivalry was inseparable from that of a great military brotherhood established in the household of some great prince.

      In Robert de Borron's poem Joseph d'Arimathie (c. 1200), the Grail, which had been sought by the hero Perceval, was identified as the vessel used by Christ at the Last Supper. Joseph was commanded to make a table in commemoration of the Last Supper and to leave one place vacant, symbolizing the seat of Judas, who had betrayed Christ. This empty place, called the Siege Perilous, could not be occupied without peril except by the destined Grail hero. During the 13th century, when the Grail theme was fully integrated with Arthurian legend in the group of prose romances known as the Vulgate cycle and post-Vulgate romances, it was established that the Round Tablemodelled on the Grail Table and, likewise, with an empty placehad been made by the counsellor Merlin for Uther Pendragon, King Arthur's (Arthur) father. It came into the possession of King Leodegran of Carmelide, who gave it to Arthur as part of the dowry of his daughter Guinevere when she married Arthur. Admission to the fellowship of the Round Table was reserved for only the most valiant, while the Siege Perilous was left waiting for the coming of Galahad, the pure knight who achieved the quest of the Grail and who brought the marvels of Arthur's kingdom to a close.

      In the city of Winchester, Eng., there is a great hallall that remains of a castle begun by William the Conqueror and finished in 1235where the so-called King Arthur's Round Table can be seen fixed to a wall. Measuring 18 feet (5.5 metres) in diameter, it dates from the late 13th or early 14th century, and it was repainted in green and white, the Tudor colours, during the reign of Henry VIII.

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