
/rddooh be"/, n.
a city in N France, NE of Lille. 109,797.

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      industrial city, Nord département, Nord-Pas-de-Calais région, northern France, just northeast of Lille. It is situated on the Canal de Roubaix in the plain of Flanders near the Belgian frontier and is united in the north with Tourcoing. Roubaix obtained its first manufacturing charter in the 15th century. After a long struggle in the second half of the 18th century, it obtained the same privileges as Lille to manufacture all of the textiles that the English made. The population tripled to 25,000 in the first half of the 19th century and reached more than 122,000 before World War I. The city was occupied by the Germans in World War I and in World War II. Roubaix and Tourcoing, with their suburbs, have become part of the Lille urban agglomeration.

      Roubaix was traditionally a major textile centre, specializing in woolen goods. After World War II this industry declined, so the city centre and surrounding residential areas were refurbished in an attempt to revive the local economy. New industry has developed in Roubaix, and many companies have their headquarters there. A European satellite communications centre (Eurotéléport) is in Roubaix. Pop. (1999) 96,984; (2005 est.) 97,600.

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Universalium. 2010.

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