
/roh'teuh greuh vyoor", -gray"vyeuhr/, n.
1. a photomechanical process by which pictures, typeset matter, etc., are printed from an intaglio copper cylinder.
2. a print made by this process.
3. a section of a newspaper consisting of pages printed by the rotogravure process; magazine section.
[1910-15; < G Rotogravur, orig. in the name of a Berlin printing firm (Rotogravur Deutsche Tiefdruck Gesellschaft), allegedly formed from the names of two other firms, Rotophot and Deutshe Photogravur AG; cf. PHOTOGRAVURE, ROTARY]

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  • rotogravure — [ rɔtɔgravyr ] n. f. • 1914; de roto , du lat. rotare, et gravure ♦ Techn. Procédé d héliogravure sur cylindre, permettant le tirage sur rotative. ● rotogravure nom féminin Héliogravure tramée. ⇒ROTOGRAVURE, subst. fém. ARTS GRAPH. Synon. peu us …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • rotogravure — 1913, from Ger. Rotogravur (originally, in full, Deutsche Tiefdrück Gesellschaft), said to blend two corporate names, Rotophot and Deutsche Photogravur A.G. Etymologically, the roots are L. rota wheel, roller (see ROTARY (Cf. rotary)) and Fr.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • rotogravure — ☆ rotogravure [rōt΄ə grə vyoor′, rōt′ə grāv΄yər ] n. [< L rota, wheel + GRAVURE] 1. a printing process using photogravure cylinders on a rotary press 2. a print or newspaper pictorial section printed by this process …   English World dictionary

  • Rotogravure — Gravure may also refer to Gravure idol . Rotogravure (roto or gravure for short) is a type of intaglio printing process, in that it involves engraving the image onto an image carrier. In gravure printing, the image is engraved onto a copper… …   Wikipedia

  • rotogravure — noun a) A printing process by which the paper is rolled through intaglio cylinders. On the avenue, Fifth Avenue, the photographers will snap us, And youll find that youre in the rotogravure. b) A print made by such a method. On the desk before… …   Wiktionary

  • rotogravure — noun Etymology: German Rotogravur, blend of Latin rota wheel and German Photogravur photogravure Date: 1913 1. photogravure 2. a section of a newspaper devoted to rotogravure pictures …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Rotogravure — Héliogravure L héliogravure ou rotogravure est un procédé d impression particulièrement adapté aux très longs tirages où une haute qualité de reproduction est exigée. Sommaire 1 Procédé 2 Utilisation 3 Les problématiques de production …   Wikipédia en Français

  • rotogravure — ro•to•gra•vure [[t]ˌroʊ tə grəˈvyʊər, ˈgreɪ vyər[/t]] n. 1) pri a photomechanical process by which pictures, typeset matter, etc., are printed from an intaglio copper cylinder 2) pri a print made by this process 3) pri a section of a newspaper… …   From formal English to slang

  • rotogravure printing — ▪ printing       system of printing based on the transfer of fluid ink from depressions in a printing plate to the paper. It is an intaglio process, so called because the design to be printed is etched or engraved below the surface of the… …   Universalium

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