
/reuh stawf", -stof"/; Russ. /rddu stawf"/, n.
a seaport in the Russian Federation in Europe, on the Don River, near the Sea of Azov. 1,020,000. Also called Rostov-on-Don /reuh stawf"on don", -dawn", -awn-, -stof"-/.

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City (pop., 2000 est.: 35,700), west-central Russia.

First mentioned in chronicles in AD 862, Rostov was an outstanding centre of early medieval Russia. It was the capital of the Rostov-Suzdal principality, which came under the control of Moscow in 1474. In the late 16th century it became an important trade centre on the route between Moscow and the White Sea. The traditional handicraft of enamel on metal continues in modern Rostov.

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formerly  (12th17th century) Rostov Veliky 

      (“Rostov the Great”), city, Yaroslavl oblast (province), northwestern Russia. It lies along Lake Nero and the Moscow-Yaroslavl railway.

      First mentioned in the chronicles in 862, Rostov was an outstanding centre of early medieval Russia. In 1207 Rostov became the capital of a princedom, which remained under Tatar rule in the 14th and 15th centuries. In 1474 it came into the possession of Moscow under Dmitry Donskoy. At the end of the 16th century, Rostov grew in importance as a trade centre on the route between Moscow and the White Sea. Surviving buildings in the city include the kremlin, the Cathedral of the Assumption (1230), the 15th-century Terem Palace, and the 17th-century White Palace (Belaya Palata). Modern Rostov maintains a traditional handicraft of enamel on metal. Pop. (1991 est.) 36,400.

      oblast (province), southwestern Russia. It occupies an area of 38,900 square miles (100,800 square km) athwart the lower Don and Manych rivers.

      The Donets Ridge in the west and the Don Ridge in the north form areas of mildly accented relief, but most of the oblast is a low, rolling plain cut by the wide floodplains of the rivers. The entire oblast lies within the steppe zone and has good chernozem soils. The natural vegetation of steppe grass has almost entirely disappeared under the plow. Along the floodplains are meadows and marshy areas, with occasional groves of trees. The oblast's climate is continental and somewhat dry, with only about 16 inches (400 mm) of precipitation annually.

      Large reservoirs have been created by dams at Tsimlyansk on the Don and at Vesyoly on the Manych; the former has a hydroelectric station. The northern part of the oblast, which in 195457 formed the separate Kamensk oblast, includes the eastern end of the Donets Basin coalfield and is particularly rich in anthracite.

      A large group of heavy-industrial citiesheaded by Shakhty, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, and Novoshakhtinskis engaged in coal mining, steel making, engineering, and chemical production. At Volgodonsk on the Don River is a large factory for producing atomic reactors. There is a heavy flow of freight through the oblast by the Volga-Don Shipping Canal, which leads to the Volga River, and by rail and oil and gas pipeline through Rostov, between the Caucasus and west-central Russia. Rostov-na-Donu is the oblast's administrative centre and largest city. It and Taganrog are major ports.

      Agriculture is highly developed in Rostov and is dominated by grains, wheat, barley, and corn (maize), which occupy two-thirds of the arable land in the oblast. Sunflowers, mustard, and melons are also economically important. Along the lower Don, water from the Tsimlyansk Reservoir is used in the irrigation of vineyards and market gardens, the area of which has expanded significantly since 1950. Pop. (1991 est.) 4,347,800.

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Universalium. 2010.

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