rose family

rose family
the plant family Rosaceae, characterized by trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants having compound or simple leaves with stipules, flowers typically with five sepals and five petals, and fruit in a variety of forms, many of which are fleshy and edible, and including the almond, apple, apricot, blackberry, cherry, cinquefoil, hawthorn, peach, pear, plum, raspberry, rose, spirea, and strawberry.

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German family
      a distinguished family of German chemists.

      Valentine Rose, the elder (b. Aug. 16, 1736, Neuruppin, Brandenburg, Prussiad. April 28, 1771, Berlin), was an apothecary in Berlin and, for a short time, assessor of the Ober Collegium Medicum. He was the discoverer ofRose's fusible metal.” His son, Valentine Rose, the younger (b. Oct. 31, 1762, Berlind. Aug. 10, 1807, Berlin), was also an apothecary in Berlin and assessor of the Ober Collegium Medicum from 1797. It was he who in 1800 proved that sulfuric ether contains no sulfur. He had four sons, one of whom, Heinrich, was a distinguished chemist, and another, Gustav, a crystallographer and mineralogist.

      Heinrich Rose (b. Aug. 6, 1795, Berlind. Jan. 27, 1864, Berlin) began to learn pharmacy in Danzig. During the summer of 1816 he studied at Berlin under M.H. Klaproth, and in the autumn entered a pharmacy at Mitau. In 1819 he went to Stockholm, where he spent a year and a half with Jöns Jacob Berzelius (Berzelius, Jöns Jacob), and in 1821 he graduated at Kiel. Returning to Berlin he became a Privatdozent in the university in 1822, extraordinary professor of chemistry in 1823, and ordinary professor in 1835. He devoted himself especially to inorganic chemistry (chemistry) and the development of analytical methods, and the results of his work are summed up in the successive issues of his classical work, Ausführliches Handbuch der analytischen Chemie (1829; “Complete Handbook of Analytic Chemistry”). He was the discoverer of antimony pentachloride and Columbium compounds.

      His brother, Gustav Rose (b. March 18, 1798, Berlind. July 15, 1873, Berlin), was perhaps the most celebrated member of the family. He began his career as a mining engineer but soon turned his attention to theoretical studies. He graduated in 1820 from Berlin University where he became successively Privatdozent (1823), extraordinary professor of mineralogy (1826), and ordinary professor (1839). In 1856 he succeeded to the directorship of the Royal Mineralogical Museum at Berlin, and he helped to found the German Geological Society, of which he was president from 1863 until the end of his life. He made many journeys in different parts of Europe for the sake of mineralogical study, and in 1829, with the German naturalist and explorer Alexander von Humboldt (Humboldt, Alexander von) and the German biologist Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg (Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried), took part in an expedition to the Ural and Altai mountains and the Caspian Sea, which yielded information of primary importance concerning the mineralogy of the Russian Empire. His work covered every branch of mineralogy, including crystallography and the artificial formation of minerals. The science of petrography, according to some authorities, originated with him. He was the first in his own country to use the reflecting geniometer for the measurement of the angles of crystals (crystal), and to teach the method of studying rocks by means of microscopic sections. He also devoted special attention to meteorites (meteorite) and to the problem presented by the different structure of the stony matter in them and in the crust of the Earth, and just before his death he was engaged in investigating the formation of the diamond.

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