
/roh"leuhnd/, n.
1. Italian, Orlando. the greatest of the paladins in the Charlemagne cycle of the chansons de geste, renowned for his prowess and the manner of his death in the battle of Roncesvalles (A.D. 778), also for his five days' combat with Oliver in which neither was the victor.
2. a Roland for an Oliver, retaliation or a retort equal to its provocation; a blow for a blow.
3. a male given name: from Germanic words meaning "glory" and "land."

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(as used in expressions)
Barthes Roland Gérard
Song of Roland
Hanna William Denby and Barbera Joseph Roland
La Galissonnière Roland Michel Barrin marquis de
Roland de Lassus
Petit Roland
Smith David Roland

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