rock glacier

rock glacier
a mass of rock resembling a valley glacier that moves or is moved down a slope by its own weight or by the action of frost and interstitial ice.

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Tonguelike body of coarse rock fragments, found above the timberline on mountains, that moves slowly down a valley.

The rock material usually has fallen from the valley walls and may contain large boulders; it resembles the material left at the end (terminus) of a true glacier. A rock glacier may be 100 ft (30 m) deep and nearly a mile (1.5 km) long.

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      tonguelike body of coarse rock fragments, found in high mountains above the timberline, that moves slowly down a valley. The rock material usually has fallen from the valley walls and may contain large boulders: it resembles the material left at the terminus of a true glacier. Interstitial ice usually occurs in the centre of rock glaciers. Where the ice approaches the terminus, it melts and releases the rock material, which then forms a steep talus slope. A rock glacier may be 30 metres (100 feet) deep and nearly 1 1/2 kilometres (about 1 mile) long.

      A rock glacier may have wavelike ridges on its surface that curve convexly downstream; these indicate flowage. Maximum movements observed exceed 150 centimetres (4 1/2 feet) per year. The method of movement is thought to be either flowage of the interstitial ice or creeping by frost action.

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Universalium. 2010.

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