
/rohd"run'euhr/, n.
either of two large terrestrial cuckoos of the genus Geococcyx of arid regions of the western U.S., Mexico, and Central America, esp. G. californianus (greater roadrunner). Also called chaparral cock.
[1855-60, Amer.; ROAD + RUNNER]

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Either of two species of terrestrial cuckoo, especially Geococcyx californianus (family Cuculidae), of Mexican and southwestern U.S. deserts.

About 22 in. (56 cm) long, they have streaked brown-and-white plumage, a short shaggy crest, bare blue and red skin behind the eyes, stout bluish legs, and a long tail carried at an angle. Clumsy, weak fliers, they prefer to run. Using their stout bill, they pound insects, lizards, and snakes to death, then swallow the victim head first. The lesser roadrunner (G. velox), of Mexico and Central America, is smaller, buffier, and less streaked.

Roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus)

Russ Kinne
Photo Researchers/EB Inc.

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also called  Chaparral Cock,  
 either of two species of terrestrial cuckoos, especially Geococcyx californianus (see photograph—>), of the deserts of Mexico and the southwestern United States. It is about 56 cm (22 inches) long, with streaked olive-brown and white plumage, a short shaggy crest, bare blue and red skin behind the eyes, stout bluish legs, and a long, graduated tail carried at an upward angle. Clumsy in flight and tiring rapidly, the bird usually prefers to run along roads or across sagebrush, chaparral, or mesquite flats. It feeds on insects, lizards, and snakes. Reptilian prey is pounded to death with the bird's stout bill, then swallowed, headfirst. It lays from 2 to 12 (usually 3 to 5) white eggs in a substantial nest of twigs low in a cactus or small tree.

      The lesser roadrunner (G. velox) is a slightly smaller (46 cm, or 18 in.), buffier, and less streaky bird, of Mexico and Central America.

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Universalium. 2010.

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