Rio Grande do Norte

Rio Grande do Norte
/rddee"oo grddahonn"di doo nawrdd"ti/
a state in E Brazil. 1,933,131; 20,464 sq. mi. (53,000 sq. km). Cap.: Natal.

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      estado (state) of northeastern Brazil. A primarily agricultural and salt-producing state and one of the smallest of all Brazilian states, it is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the north and east, by the state of Ceará on the west, and by the state of Paraíba on the south. The capital is Natal, so named for the date of its official founding, Christmas Day (Natal), 1599.

      The coastal strip around Natal and southward is forested, and the salt marshes in this area are economically important (the saltworks produce most of Brazil's crude and refined salt). The northern seaboard, north of Natal, is low and sandy, with dunes and coconut palms. From this narrow coastland in the north the land rises gradually to some low mesas (taboleiros). Inland from Natal and the south, the land rises abruptly to the northern edge of a hilly upland known as Borborema Plateau, which stretches southward into the states of Paraíba and Pernambuco. In the western interior of the state are several mountain ranges.

      Except for the coastland from Natal southward, where the prevailing winds from the Atlantic bring abundant rainfall to support a forest, the state is semiarid. The rainfall is usually so slight that the few riversmainly the Açu (Piranhas), the Apodi, and the Potengiflow only intermittently. Average daily temperatures in Natal vary from 77 to 86 °F (25 to 30 °C), but higher elevations are cooler.

      Much of the forests that formerly existed were sacrificed to sugarcane production, but there are vast areas of carnauba trees in the lowlands and coconut palms on the coast, as well as a scattering of various other tropical trees and flora. Animal life is scarce, because hunters have reduced or wiped out most of the native species.

      The territory was first settled by the Portuguese in the late 16th century. As early as 1534 the Portuguese crown had considered establishing fiefdoms, or captaincies, in the region, but not until 1598, after successfully repelling local French pirates, did the Portuguese succeed in establishing the Fort of the Three Wise Kings on the future site of Natal and laying the foundation of a government. From then until 1822, when Brazil proclaimed independence, the captaincy was ruled by a succession of Portuguese commanders and governors and, for a while (163354), by Dutch invaders. From 1822 the province of Rio Grande do Norte was part of the Brazilian Empire until it became a state in the republic in 1889.

      In the colonial period the economy centred chiefly on sugar plantations, ruled by a few wealthy families and manned largely by slaves. Cotton, introduced in the 18th century, became and remains one of the leading crops in an economy that is basically agricultural; sugarcane and cacao are also grown. Other crops include corn (maize), rice, cassava, millet, red beans, potatoes, and coconut. Cattle and horses are also raised.

      In addition to the saltworks, there is some mining in the Borborema Mountains, the tungsten (tungsten processing) mines being the most important in Brazil and furnishing an important export. Other mineral products include gypsum, limestone, marble, monazite, gold, and beryl. Outside of Natal and such towns as Mossoró and Caicó, socioeconomic conditions are poor. In the towns there are factories producing textiles, clothes, oils, leather, furniture, food, tools, plastics, ceramics, paper, and cement. There are universities at Natal and Mossoró.

      There are three railroadsfrom the harbour in Areia Branca to the city of Sousa, Paraíba, from the capital to Macau, and from Natal to Recife, the capital of Pernambuco. There are several highwaysfrom Natal (also the site of an international airport) to the south of the country, cutting through various states; from the north of the country to Ceará; and from the coast to the western interior. Area 20,385 square miles (52,797 square km). Pop. (2006 est.) 3,043,760.

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Universalium. 2010.

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