
reversedly /ri verr"sid lee, -verrst"lee/, adv.reversely, adv.reverser, n.
/ri verrs"/, adj., n., v., reversed, reversing.
1. opposite or contrary in position, direction, order, or character: an impression reverse to what was intended; in reverse sequence.
2. with the back or rear part toward the observer: the reverse side of a fabric.
3. pertaining to or producing movement in a mechanism opposite to that made under ordinary running conditions: a reverse gear; a reverse turbine.
4. acting in a manner opposite or contrary to that which is usual, as an appliance or apparatus.
5. noting or pertaining to an image like that seen in a mirror; backward; reversed.
6. noting or pertaining to printed matter in which what is normally white, as the page of a book, appears as black, and vice versa.
7. the opposite or contrary of something.
8. the back or rear of anything.
9. Numis.
a. the side of a coin, medal, etc., that does not bear the principal design (opposed to obverse).
b. the side of an ancient coin that was struck by the upper die.
10. an adverse change of fortune; a misfortune, check, or defeat: to meet with an unexpected reverse.
11. Mach.
a. the condition of being reversed: to throw an engine into reverse.
b. a reversing mechanism.
12. Football. a play on offense in which one back running laterally hands the ball to another back who is running in the opposite direction and who then makes either an end run or a cutback.
13. Bridge. See reverse bid.
14. Print. printed matter in which areas that normally appear as white are printed in black, and vice versa.
15. to turn in an opposite position; transpose: The printer accidentally reversed two chapters of the book.
16. to turn in the opposite direction; send on the opposite course.
17. to turn inside out or upside down.
18. to change the direction of running of (a mechanism).
19. to cause (a mechanism) to run in a direction opposite to that in which it commonly runs.
20. to revoke or annul (a decree, judgment, etc.): to reverse a verdict.
21. to alter to the opposite in character or tendency; change completely.
22. to turn in the opposite order: to reverse the process of evolution.
23. Print. to print as a reverse.
24. to shift into reverse gear: The driver drove forward, then reversed.
25. (of a mechanism) to be reversed.
26. to turn or move in the opposite or contrary direction, as in dancing.
27. Bridge. to make a reverse bid.
[1275-1325; (n.) ME revers < OF < L reversus, ptp. of revertere to REVERT (see VERSE); (v.) ME reversen < OF reverser < LL reversare, freq. of revertere]
Syn. 1. converse. See opposite. 7. converse, counterpart. 10. mishap, misadventure, affliction. 15, 17. REVERSE, INVERT agree in meaning to change into a contrary position, order, or relation. To REVERSE is to place or move something so that it is facing in the opposite direction from the one faced previously: to reverse from right to left; to reverse a decision. TO INVERT is to turn upside down: to invert a stamp in printing; to invert a bowl over a plate. 20. repeal, veto, countermand, rescind, overthrow.
Ant. 1. same.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Reverse — may refer to: *The reverse side of currency or a flag; see Obverse and reverse *A change in the direction of: **the movement of a motor or other prime mover; see Transmission (mechanics) **an engineering design: see Reverse engineering **a jet… …   Wikipedia

  • Reverse — Re*verse (r[ e]*v[ e]rs ), n. [Cf. F. revers. See {Reverse}, a.] 1. That which appears or is presented when anything, as a lance, a line, a course of conduct, etc., is reverted or turned contrary to its natural direction. [1913 Webster] He did so …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Reverse — Re*verse , a. [OE. revers, OF. revers, L. reversus, p. p. of revertere. See {Revert}.] 1. Turned backward; having a contrary or opposite direction; hence; opposite or contrary in kind; as, the reverse order or method. A vice reverse unto this.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Reverse — Re*verse , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Reversed} (r[ e]*v[ e]rst );p. pr. & vb. n. {Reversing}.] [See {Reverse}, a., and cf. {Revert}.] 1. To turn back; to cause to face in a contrary direction; to cause to depart. [1913 Webster] And that old dame said… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • reverse — ► VERB 1) move backwards. 2) make (something) the opposite of what it was. 3) turn the other way round or up or inside out. 4) revoke or annul (a judgement by a lower court or authority). 5) (of an engine) work in a contrary direction. ►… …   English terms dictionary

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  • reverse — [ri vʉrs′] adj. [ME revers < OFr < L reversus, pp. of revertere: see REVERT] 1. a) turned backward; opposite or contrary, as in position, direction, order, etc. b) with the back showing or in view 2. reversing the usual effect so as to show …   English World dictionary

  • reversé — reversé, ée (re vèr sé, sée) part. passé de reverser1. Le vin versé fut bu ; le vin reversé fut bu aussi …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Reverse — Re*verse , v. i. 1. To return; to revert. [Obs.] Spenser. [1913 Webster] 2. To become or be reversed. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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