
/ri moohv"/, v., removed, removing, n.
1. to move from a place or position; take away or off: to remove the napkins from the table.
2. to take off or shed (an article of clothing): to remove one's jacket.
3. to move or shift to another place or position; transfer: She removed the painting to another wall.
4. to put out; send away: to remove a tenant.
5. to dismiss or force from a position or office; discharge: They removed him for embezzling.
6. to take away, withdraw, or eliminate: to remove the threat of danger.
7. to get rid of; do away with; put an end to: to remove a stain; to remove the source of disease.
8. to kill; assassinate.
9. to move from one place to another, esp. to another locality or residence: We remove to Newport early in July.
10. to go away; depart; disappear.
11. the act of removing.
12. a removal from one place, as of residence, to another.
13. the distance by which one person, place, or thing is separated from another: to see something at a remove.
14. a mental distance from the reality of something as a result of psychological detachment or lack of experience: to criticize something at a remove.
15. a degree of difference, as that due to descent, transmission, etc.: a folk survival, at many removes, of a druidic rite.
16. a step or degree, as in a graded scale.
17. Brit. a promotion of a pupil to a higher class or division at school.
[1250-1300; ME removen (v.) < OF remouvoir < L removere. See RE-, MOVE]
Syn. 1. dislodge. 3. displace, transport. 8. murder.
Ant. 1. leave. 9. remain.

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