relay race

relay race
a race between two or more teams of contestants, each contestant being relieved by a teammate after running part of the distance. Cf. medley relay.

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Race between teams in which each team member successively covers a specified portion of the course.

In track events, such as the 4 × 100-m and 4 × 400-m relays, the runner finishing one leg passes a baton to the next runner while both are running within a marked exchange zone. In swimming competitions, such as the 4 × 100-m and 4 × 200-m freestyle races and the 4 × 100-m medley, the swimmer completing one leg touches the edge of the pool to signal the start of the next teammate's leg.

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race format
also called  Relay,  
 a track-and-field sport consisting of a set number of stages (legs), usually four, each leg run by a different member of a team. The runner finishing one leg is usually required to pass on a baton to the next runner while both are running in a marked exchange zone.

      In most relays, team members cover equal distances: Olympic (Olympic Games) events for both men and women are the 400-metre (4 × 100-metre) and 1,600-metre (4 × 400-metre) relays. Some non-Olympic relays are held at distances of 800 m, 3,200 m, and 6,000 m. In the less frequently run medley relays, however, the athletes cover different distances in a prescribed orderas in a sprint medley of 200, 200, 400, 800 metres or a distance medley of 1,200, 400, 800, 1,600 metres.

      The relay method of racing was started in the United States about 1883. The original method was for the men running the second quarter of the course each to take over a small flag from the first man as he arrived, before departing on their own stage of the race, at the end of which they, in their turn, handed on their flags to the awaiting next runners. The flags, however, were considered cumbersome, and for a time it was sufficient for the outgoing runner to touch or be touched by his predecessor.

      The baton, a hollow cylinder of wood or plastic, was introduced in 1893. It is carried by the runner and must be exchanged between lines drawn at right angles to the side of the track 10 metres or 11 yards on each side of the starting line for each leg of the relay. In sprint relays (400 and 800 metres) a 1964 rule change permitted the runner receiving the baton to start his run 10 metres or 11 yards before the zone, but he had to take the baton within the zone itself.

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Universalium. 2010.

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