
/reed/, n.
1. Sir Carol, 1906-76, British film director.
2. Ishmael (Scott), born 1938, U.S. novelist and poet.
3. John, 1887-1920, U.S. journalist and poet.
4. Stanley Forman /fawr"meuhn/, 1884-1980, U.S. jurist: associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court 1938-57.
5. Thomas Brackett, 1839-1902, U.S. politician: Speaker of the House 1889-91, 1895-99.
6. Walter C., 1851-1902, U.S. army surgeon who proved that a type of mosquito transmits the yellow fever virus.
7. a male given name, form of Read.

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In botany, any of several species of large aquatic grasses, especially the four species in the genus Phragmites (family Poaceae, or Gramineae).

The common, or water, reed (P. australis) occurs along the margins of lakes, fens, marshes, and streams from the Arctic to the tropics. It is a broad-leaved grass, about 515 ft (1.55 m) tall, with feathery flower clusters and stiff, smooth stems. Bur reed (genus Sparganium) and reed mace (genus Typha) are plants of other families. Dried reed stems have been used for millennia as thatching and construction material, in basketry, for arrows and pens, and in musical instruments (see reed instruments).
(as used in expressions)
Reed John
Reed Sir Carol
Reed Thomas Brackett
Reed Walter
Reed Willis
Reeds Plain of

* * *

 in botany, any of several species of large aquatic grasses, especially the four species constituting the genus Phragmites of the grass family (Poaceae). The common, or water, reed (Phragmites australis) occurs along the margins of lakes, fens, marshes, and streams from the Arctic to the tropics. It is a broad-leafed grass, about 1.5 to 5 m (5 to 16.5 feet) tall, with feathery flower clusters and stiff, smooth stems. Other plants of the family Poaceae known as reeds are giant reed (Arundo donax), sea reed (Ammophila arenaria), reed canary grass (Phalaris), and reedgrass, or bluejoint (Calamagrostis). Bur reed (Sparganium) and reed mace (cattail) (Typha) are plants of other families.

      Dried reed stems have been used for millennia as thatching and construction material, in basketry, for arrows and pens, and in musical instruments (see reed instruments). They also are harvested for their cellulose content.

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