red algae

red algae
marine algae of the phylum Rhodophyta, in which the chlorophyll is masked by a red or purplish pigment.

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      members of the division Rhodophyta (about 4,100 species), predominantly marine algae often found attached to other shore plants. Their morphological range includes filamentous, branched, feathered, and sheetlike thalli. In most species, thin protoplasmic connections provide continuity between cells. Their usual red or blue colour is the result of a masking of chlorophyll by phycobilin pigments (phycoerythrin and phycocyanin).

      The reproductive bodies of red algae are nonmotile. The female sex organ, called a carpogonium, consists of a uninucleate region that functions as the egg and a trichogyne, or projection, to which male gametes become attached. The nonmotile male gametes (spermatia) are produced singly in male sex organs, the spermatangia.

      Some red algae are important food plants (e.g., laver, dulse). They may retain both their colour and gelatinous nature when cooked. Industrially, Irish moss (Chondrus) is used as a gelatin substitute in puddings, toothpaste, ice cream, and preserves. Some species of Corallina and its allies are important, along with animal corals, in forming coral reefs and islands. agar, a gelatin-like substance prepared primarily from Gracilaria and Gelidium species, is important as a culture medium for bacteria and fungi.

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Universalium. 2010.

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