
/rek"ling how'zeuhn/, n.
a city in NW Rhine-Westphalia, in Germany. 122,000.

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      city, North RhineWestphalia Land (state), western Germany. The city is situated on the northern edge of the Ruhr industrial region, north of Essen, and has port facilities on the Rhine-Herne Canal. Originally a Saxon settlement that became an imperial town under Charlemagne, it passed to the archbishops of Cologne in 1197, received its charter in 1236, and joined the Hanseatic League in 1316. After 1802 it became the property of the dukes of Arenberg, who held it as a fief of Prussia from 1815. The discovery of coal in the locality during the 19th century led to rapid industrial development, but the old town centre and numerous park areas were preserved. Coal is still mined, and metals, machinery, synthetics, and textiles are produced. Historic landmarks include St. Peter's Church (founded 1276; mainly 16th-century); Engelsburg (1702), the former ducal seat; and remains of medieval fortifications. The Ruhrfestspiele (festivals of art, music, and drama) are held annually. Recklinghausen has several museums, including one dedicated to icon painting. Pop. (2003 est.) 123,144.

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Universalium. 2010.

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