
/reuh see"feuh/, n.
a seaport in and the capital of Pernambuco province, in NE Brazil. 1,249,821. Formerly, Pernambuco.

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Port and city (pop., 2002 est.: city, 1,449,100; metro. area, 3,425,400), northeastern Brazil.

Founded by the Portuguese in the first half of the 16th century, it was raided and sacked by British privateers in 1595. It was later occupied by the Dutch (163054). It has been called the Venice of Brazil because it is crossed by waterways, and areas of the city are linked by numerous bridges. Situated at the confluence of the Capibaribe and Beberibe rivers, near Point Plata, the easternmost point of South America, it is one of the leading ports of Brazil, with extensive modern port facilities. It is an educational and cultural centre, with several universities and theatres.

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      capital of Pernambuco estado (state), northeastern Brazil, and centre of an area that includes several industrial towns. It is an Atlantic seaport located at the confluence of the Capibaribe and Beberibe rivers. Recife has been called the Venice of Brazil because the city is crossed by waterways and its component parts are linked by numerous bridges.

      In the second quarter of the 16th century wealthy Portuguese colonists of the captaincy of Pernambuco lived in splendour at Olinda, just to the north. Recife was then merely an anchorage that handled their exports of sugar and their imports. It was raided by French pirates in 1561 and by the English in 1595. In 1630 it was captured by the Dutch, who held it for 24 years. The town prospered under the governorship of Count John Maurice Of Nassau. In 1710 the inhabitants revolted against the magnates of Olinda in what is now called the War of the Mascates (i.e., peddlers) because the small tradesmen of Recife tried to organize a municipality of their own. In 1823 Recife became the official capital of the province of Pernambuco.

      Recife has shared in the prosperity of northeastern Brazil that resulted from development promoted after 1960 by Sudene (Superintendência para o Desenvolvimento do Nordeste), a federal organization. Although its retail and wholesale trade have grown in response to the region's increases in population and wealth, the market area and the walkways of the city's bridges are crowded with vendors selling small items. Branches of the major banks of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Minas Gerais do considerable business in Recife, and there also are U.S., French, and Italian concerns.

      Railroads, highways, airlines, and shipping connect Recife with other parts of Brazil. Guararapes Airport serves international and domestic flights. Transportation within the city is chiefly provided by bus, trolley, and subway.

      Institutions of higher learning in Recife include the Federal University of Pernambuco (founded 1946), the Federal Rural (Agricultural) University of Pernambuco (1954), the Catholic University of Pernambuco (1951), and the numerous research institutes attached to them. The independent Joaquim Nabuco Institute of social researches, which is distinguished for its anthropological studies, is also located there. Besides the State Museum, there are museums of sugarcane and of popular art. There are many historic churches and public buildings, including the Governor's Palace and the Santa Isabel Theatre. The beaches of Boa Viagem, on the city's south side, attract large numbers of tourists. Recife is home to three major stadiums, reflecting its standing as the northeast's leading football (soccer) centre.

      Recife has a symphony orchestra, a conservatory of music, and several theatrical companies, including the nationally renowned Pernambuco Amateur Theatre and the Popular Theatre of the Northeast. Reflecting the area's distinctive cultural composition are the folklore festivals: the Xangô is typically African, while Carnival time is vibrant with the compulsive music of the forró, an emotionally and physically exacting dance. Other popular entertainments include the fandango dance, the bumba-meu-boi (a pageant with dancing), the pastoris (open-air plays), and the lapinhas (Nativity scenes). Pop. (2005 est.) city, 1,501,000; metropolitan area, 3,599,181.

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Universalium. 2010.

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