
/ree"bek/, n.
a Renaissance fiddle with a pear-shaped body tapering into a neck that ends in a sickle-shaped or scroll-shaped pegbox.
Also, rebeck.
[1745-55; < MF; r. ME ribibe < OF rebebe Ar rabab REBAB]

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 bowed, stringed musical instrument of European medieval and early Renaissance music. It was originally called a rubebe, developed about the 11th century from the similar Arab rabāb, and was carried to Spain with Muslim culture. Like the rabāb, the rebec had a shallow, pear-shaped body, but on the rebec the rabāb's skin belly was replaced by wood and a fingerboard was added. The rebec was held against the chest or chin or, occasionally, with the bottom of the instrument resting on the seated player's left thigh. The three strings were tuned in fifths (e.g., gd′–a′).

      The medieval rebec was apparently a treble instrument, but by the late 15th century rebecs were made in sizes from treble to bass. The family of rebecs was superseded by the viols during the 16th century. The treble rebec survived into the 18th century as the kit, the dancing master's fiddle. The lira and its Balkan folk variants, the gusla and gadulka, are closely related to the rebec.

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