1. (not in technical use) recommended daily allowance. Cf. U.S. RDA.Also, R.D.A.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
RDA — may refer to:* Radioactive dentin abrasion, a measure of tooth enamel or dentin abrasion * Rassemblement Démocratique Africain (African Democratic Rally), a political party found formed in 1946 in French West Africa * Recreational Demonstration… … Wikipedia
RDA — oder RdA steht für: Radioactive Dentin Abrasion (dt. etwa: Abrasion von radioaktivem Dentin), das Maß für die abtragende Wirkung von Putzkörpern (zum Beispiel Zahnpasten) Rangdienstalter, im deutschen Militär früher die zum Vergleich mit… … Deutsch Wikipedia
RDA — Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) The nine Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) set up in the English regions are non departmental public bodies. Their primary role is as a strategic driver of regional economic development in their region. The … Law dictionary
RDA — [Abk. für engl. recommanded daily allowanceRDA= empfohlene tägliche Erlaubnis]: über die tägliche Höchstdosis hinausgehende Menge eines Arzneimittels … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
RDA — [ˌa: di: ˈeı US ˌa:r ] n [singular] recommended daily allowance the amount of substances such as ↑vitamins that you should have every day … Dictionary of contemporary English
RDA — [ ,ar di eı ] noun singular recommended daily allowance: the amount of something such as a VITAMIN that you should have every day … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
RDA — (Recommended Daily Allowance) amount of vitamins and minerals recommended for consumption by the American Food and Drug Administration … English contemporary dictionary
RDA — abbrev. Recommended Daily (or Dietary) Allowance: the amount of protein, vitamins, etc. suggested for various age groups by the National Food and Nutrition Board … English World dictionary
RDA — I. abbreviation Usage: often not capitalized recommended dietary allowance II. abbreviation often not capitalized recommended daily allowance * * * 1. (not in technical use) recommended daily allowance. Cf. U.S. RDA. 2. See recommended dietary… … Useful english dictionary
RDA — 1. Rassemblement Démocratique Africain. Formation politique fondée en 1946 par Felix Houphouët Boigny. Revendiquant l indépendance par la voie légale, le RDA se développa simultanément dans plusieurs pays de l Afrique noire française. La loi… … Sigles et Acronymes francais
RDA — [[t]ɑ͟ː(r) diː e͟ɪ[/t]] RDAs N COUNT: usu singular The RDA of a particular vitamin or mineral is the amount that people need each day to stay healthy. RDA is an abbreviation for recommended daily amount … English dictionary