
/rat"l snayk'/, n.
any of several New World pit vipers of the genera Crotalus and Sistrurus, having a rattle composed of a series of horny, interlocking elements at the end of the tail.
[1620-30, Amer.; RATTLE1 + SNAKE]

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Any of about 30 species in two genera of New World pit vipers having a tail rattle that produces a buzzing sound when vibrated.

The rattle is composed of horny, loosely connected segments added one at a time with each molt. Sistrurus species have large scales on the top of the head. Crotalus species have mostly small scales on the head. Species range from 1 to 8 ft (30 to 250 cm) long. Most eat small animals, primarily rodents, birds, and lizards. All bear live young. In hot areas rattlesnakes become nocturnal; in cold areas they hibernate in groups. Heat-sensitive organs on the sides of the head help them locate and strike their prey. A rattlesnake bite is painful and can be fatal if not treated. See also sidewinder.

Timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus)

Jack Dermid

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 any of 33 species of venomous New World vipers characterized by a segmented rattle at the tip of the tail that produces a buzzing sound when vibrated. Rattlesnakes are found from southern Canada to central Argentina but are most abundant and diverse in the deserts of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Adults usually vary in length from 0.5 to 2 metres (1.6 to 6.6 feet), but some can grow to 2.5 metres (8.2 feet). A few species are marked with transverse bands, but most rattlesnakes are blotched with dark diamonds, hexagons, or rhombuses on a lighter background, usually gray or light brown; some are various shades of orange, pink, red, or green.

   The most common species in North America are the timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) of the eastern United States, the prairie rattlesnake (C. viridis) of the western United States, and the eastern and western diamondbacks (C. adamanteus and C. atrox). These are also the largest rattlers. Twenty-six other species also belong to the genus Crotalus, including the small North American sidewinder (C. cerastes). The other three species belong to a more primitive genus, Sistrurus, which includes the North American massasauga (S. catenatus) and pygmy rattler (S. miliarius). These rattlesnakes have nine large scales on the upper surface of their heads.

 Rattlesnakes are not aggressive and will not attack humans if unprovoked; in fact, they are quite shy and timid. However, they are venomous and can be dangerous if molested or handled. With improved methods of treatment and the abandonment of folk cures (many of which presented more danger than benefit to the victim), a rattlesnake bite is no longer the threat to life that it once was, but medical assessment should always be sought after any bite. A rattlesnake bite is very painful, and that of a snake more than 1 metre (3.3 feet) long can be fatal. The snake should be killed and brought in for identification, even fordrybites, in which venom is not injected. A person with adrybite should not be treated with antivenin because many people are allergic to the horse serum used in its production. The allergic reaction can result in shock and death. The most dangerous species are the Mexican west coast rattlesnake (C. basiliscus), the Mojave rattlesnake (C. scutulatus), and the South American rattlesnake, or cascabel (C. durissus). Their venom attacks the nervous system more strongly than that of other rattlesnakes. The South American rattlesnake has the largest distribution of any rattlesnake; it ranges from Mexico to Argentina and is the only rattlesnake found throughout Central and South America.

      Rattlesnakes are pit vipers (subfamily Crotalinae of the family Viperidae), a group named for the small heat-sensing pit between each eye and nostril that aids in hunting. The pits provide the snake with stereoscopic heatvision,” enabling them to detect and accurately strike a living target in complete darkness. Most rattlesnakes live in arid habitats and are nocturnal, hiding during the day but emerging in the evening or at twilight to hunt for prey, which consists primarily of small mammals, especially rodents. Young and small rattlesnakes feed largely on lizards.

      A rattlesnake fang is similar to a curved hypodermic needle. At the top it meets with the end of the venom duct. Soft tissue surrounds the end of the venom duct and the base of the fang, providing a seal against leakage. Large venom glands at the base of the jaws are responsible for the distinctly triangular shape of the head. Fangs are periodically lost owing to wear and breakage. Each fang has a series of seven developing fangs behind the functional fang, each smaller and less developed than the one preceding it. Fang length depends on the species and size of the snake, but large rattlers can have fangs 1015 cm (46 inches) long. When the snake's mouth is closed, the fangs are folded back and lie parallel to the roof of the mouth. Linkages of bones in the upper jaw allow the fangs to be deployed into a vertical position for stabbing and biting.

      Like other reptiles, rattlesnakes cannot tolerate extreme heat or cold. During the heat of the day, rattlesnakes hide themselves underground in burrows or under rocks. In the fall they congregate in rock slides or crevices for their winter hibernation in dens that may shelter hundreds of individuals of several different species. Upon emerging in the spring, the males mate with females and then disperse from the den site to spend the summer in surrounding countryside. In the fall they all return to the same den.

      Rattlesnakes give birth to young that develop from eggs retained inside the mother (ovoviviparous). In the late summer, broods of 160 are produced; average broods number 410 young. Newborn rattlesnakes have functioning fangs and venom glands. Their venom is more potent but of lesser quantity than that of their mother, a condition that helps ensure that the young can secure food. The newborn babies are also equipped with a single button on the end of the tail. After the first shedding of their skin (within a week of birth), they will have two rattle segments. Once the third rattle segment has been obtained, the young snake can buzz like an adult. The rattle, presumably a warning device, is composed of horny, loosely connected hollow segments, one of which is added every time the snake sheds its skin. The age of a rattlesnake cannot be determined from the number of its rattle segments, as rattlesnakes usually shed three or four times a year. In captivity, 10 species have lived from 20 to 30 years.

      Every year in the United States, an estimated 5,000 rattlesnakes are collected and destroyed in about 30 highly commercializedrattlesnake roundups.” Supposedly conducted to save the lives of people and cattle, these spectacles may only reduce rattlesnakes' valuable service in the control of rodent pests and in maintaining the natural balance of desert ecosystems (ecosystem).

Van Wallach

Additional Reading
Laurence M. Klauber, Rattlesnakes: Their Habits, Life Histories, and Influence on Mankind, 2 vol., 2nd ed. (1997), is an all-encompassing work that discusses not only rattlesnake biology but snakebite, folklore, mythology, and other cultural aspects. Manny Rubio, Rattlesnake: Portrait of a Predator (1998), contains more than 200 colour photographs and covers a broad range of topics.

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