rapid transit

rapid transit
rapid-transit, adj.
a system of public transportation in a metropolitan area, usually a subway or elevated train system. Cf. mass transit.
[1870-75, Amer.]

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 system of railways, usually electric, that is used for local transit in a metropolitan area. A rapid transit line may run underground (subway), above street level (elevated transit line), or at street level. Rapid transit is distinguished from other forms of mass transit by its operation on exclusive right-of-way, with no access for other vehicles or for pedestrians. See elevated transit line; mass transit; subway.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Rapid transit — This article is about grade separated rail transport. For other uses, see Rapid transit (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • rapid transit — noun an urban public transit system using underground or elevated trains (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑mass rapid transit • Hypernyms: ↑public transit * * * noun [noncount] chiefly US : the system that is used in cities for quickly bringing people to and… …   Useful english dictionary

  • rapid transit — ADJ: ADJ n A rapid transit system is a transport system in a city which allows people to travel quickly, using trains that run underground or above the streets. ...a rapid transit link with the City and London s underground system... Two rapid… …   English dictionary

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  • Rapid transit in the United Kingdom — consists of five systems in four cities: the London Underground and Docklands Light Railway, Merseyrail, Tyne and Wear Metro and the Glasgow Subway. The United Kingdom is the birthplace of rapid transit, with London and Glasgow hosting the worlds …   Wikipedia

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  • rapid transit system — rapid transit .system also .rapid transit n AmE a system for moving people quickly around a city using trains …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • rapid transit system — rapid transit ,system or ,rapid transit noun count AMERICAN a system of trains that move people quickly around a city …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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