- ragamuffin
/rag"euh muf'in/, n.1. a ragged, disreputable person; tatterdemalion.2. a child in ragged, ill-fitting, dirty clothes.[1350-1400; ME Ragamoffyn, name of a demon in the poem Piers Plowman]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Ragamuffin — Ragamuffin … Wikipédia en Français
RagaMuffin — RagaMuffins, große Katzen mit halblangem Fell, haben denselben Ursprung wie die Ragdoll, deshalb besteht eine Ähnlichkeit beider Rassen. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Farben … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ragamuffin — (Dinner Plain,Австралия) Категория отеля: Адрес: 1581 Big Muster Drive, 3898 Dinner Plai … Каталог отелей
ragamuffin — ● ragamuffin ou raggamuffin nom masculin (anglais ragamuffin, va nu pieds) Style musical chanté rattaché au mouvement hip hop, associant rap et reggae … Encyclopédie Universelle
Ragamuffin — Rag a*muf fin (r[a^]g [.a]*m[u^]f f[i^]n), n. [Cf. Ragamofin, the name of a demon in some of the old mysteries.] 1. A paltry or disreputable fellow; a mean wretch. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. A person who wears ragged clothing. [Colloq.] [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ragamuffin — (n.) mid 14c., from M.E. raggi ragged + fanciful ending (or else second element is M.Du. muffe mitten ). Ragged was used of the devil from c.1300 in reference to shaggy appearance. Used by Langland as the name of a demon (Cf. O.Fr. Ragamoffyn,… … Etymology dictionary
ragamuffin — [n] person who is poor, tattered beggar, bum*, gamin, guttersnipe*, hobo, loafer, orphan, scarecrow, street person, tatterdemalion*, tramp, urchin, vagabond, vagrant, waif, wastrel; concepts 412,423 Ant. sophisticate … New thesaurus
ragamuffin — (also raggamuffin) ► NOUN 1) a person in ragged, dirty clothes. 2) an exponent or follower of ragga, typically wearing scruffy clothes. ORIGIN probably based on RAG(Cf. ↑rag), with a fanciful suffix … English terms dictionary
ragamuffin — [rag′ə muf΄in] n. [ME Ragamoffyn, name of a demon in Piers Plowman: sense prob. infl. by RAG1] a dirty, ragged person; esp., a poor, ragged child … English World dictionary
Ragamuffin — Dieser Artikel behandelt die Katzenrasse RagaMuffin. Die Bezeichnung sollte nicht verwechselt werden mit Raggamuffin, einer Spielart der Reggae Musik. Ragamuffin RagaMuffins, große Katzen mit halblangem Fell, haben denselben Ursprung wie die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ragamuffin — A ragamuffin is a shabbily clothed child. See:* Raggamuffin music * Ragamuffin (cat) * Ragamuffin (novel) a science fiction novel by writer Tobias S. Buckell … Wikipedia