
Gän· (gän-jäʹ) or Gyan·dzhe (gyän-) Formerly Ki·ro·va·bad (-rōʹvə-băd', kyĭ'--bätʹ).
A city of western Azerbaijan southeast of Tbilisi, Georgia. An important textile and wine center in medieval times, it was annexed by Russia in 1804. Population: 261,000.

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formerly (18041918) Yelizavetpolʾ or (193589) Kirovabad

City (pop., 1997 est.: 291,900), western Azerbaijan.

It lies along the Gäncä River. A town was founded nearby in the 5th century AD, was destroyed by earthquake in 1139, and was rebuilt on the present site. Taken by the Mongols in 1231, it was captured in 1606 by the Persian Ṣafavid dynasty, who made it the centre of the Gäncä khanate. The Russians annexed it in 1804 and renamed it Yelizavetpolʾ. In 1935 it was renamed Kirovabad and developed industrially to become one of the largest cities of Azerbaijan. It manufactures aluminum, machinery, and instruments and is an agricultural processing centre. Notable buildings include Dzhuma-Mechet Mosque (1620) and the mausoleum of the 12th-century Persian poet Nezāmī, a lifelong resident of the city.

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also spelled  Gänjä,  Gandzha,  Gjandža , or  Gyandzha , formerly (193589)  Kirovabad , or (18041918)  Yelizavetpol 

      city, western Azerbaijan. It lies along the Gäncä River. The town was founded sometime in the 5th or 6th century, about 4 miles (6.5 km) east of the modern city. That town was destroyed by earthquake in 1139 and rebuilt on the present site. Gäncä became an important centre of trade, but in 1231 it was again leveled, this time by the Mongols. Captured in 1606 by the Persians, it became the centre of the Gäncä khanate. In 1804 Gäncä was annexed by the Russians and renamed Yelizavetpol. It was made a provincial seat in 1861 and in 1935 was renamed Kirovabad. Kirovabad developed industrially and became one of the largest cities of Azerbaijan. The city's original name was restored in 1989.

      Alumina was made from local alunite in Gäncä, using power from hydroelectric plants on the Gäncä and Kura rivers, but is now manufactured from imported bauxite. The city also manufactures machinery and instruments. Situated at the centre of a rich farming area, it processes agricultural products and makes cotton textiles and carpets. Gäncä has agricultural and teacher-training institutes. Notable buildings include Dzhuma-Mechet Mosque (built 1620) and the modern mausoleum of the 12th-century Persian poet Neẓāmī Ganjavī. Pop. (1991 est.) 282,200.

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