
/rah baht", reuh-/, n.
a seaport in and the capital of Morocco, in the NW part. 724,100.

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Arabic Ribāṭ

City (pop., 1994: city, 623,457; Rabat-Salé metro. area, 1,385,872), capital of Morocco.

It is situated on the Atlantic coast at the mouth of the Bou Regreg River, opposite Salé. One of Morocco's four imperial cities, it was founded in the 12th century by a ruler of the Almohad dynasty, Abd al-Mumin, as a ribāṭ (camp) quartering troops for his holy war against Spain. After 1609 the unified community of Rabat-Salé became the home of large numbers of Andalusian Moors who had been driven from Spain and, later, of the Sallee Corsairs, the most dreaded of Barbary Coast pirates. Under the French, it was made the administrative capital of a French protectorate after 1912. Now a centre of the textile industry, it is noted for its carpets, blankets, and leather handicrafts.

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Malta island, Malta
      town, west-central Malta, adjoining Mdina, west of Valletta. In Roman times the site of Mdina and Rabat was occupied by Melita, the island's capital. The modern names date from the Arab occupation of Malta, when Mdina was fortified and what remained outside the walls was called rabat (“suburb”). There are many Roman ruins, including a partially restored villa housing a museum. Extensive early Christian catacombs are beneath the town, and there are several cave churches and medieval churches and monasteries. The nearby Verdala Palace (1586) was built as a summer residence for the grand masters of the Hospitalers (Knights of St. John of Jerusalem) and was used by the governors of the islands.

      Situated within an agricultural region, modern Rabat produces wine and a variety of handcrafted textiles. Pop. (1985 prelim.) 12,920.

Arabic  Ribāṭ  
  city and capital of Morocco. One of the country's four imperial cities, it is located on the Atlantic coast at the mouth of the Wadi Bou Regreg, opposite the city of Salé.

      The history of Rabat is closely connected to that of Salé, the site of which was first occupied by the Roman settlement of Sala (Shella). During the 10th century, Salé was established by the Zanātah Imazighen (Berbers (Berber)), who were Sunni (Sunnite) Muslims, to house the nonconformist Barghawāṭah Imazighen.

 Rabat itself was founded in the 12th century by Abd al-Muʾminʿ, the first Almohad (Almohads) ruler, as a ribāṭ (fortified monastery) at which to quarter the troops for his jihad (holy war) in Spain. He later abandoned his efforts in Spain in order to concentrate his efforts on the conquest of North Africa. It was the third Almohad sultan, Abū Yūsuf Yaʿqūb al-Manṣūr (Manṣūr, Abū Yūsuf Yaʿqūb al-), who named the place Ribāṭ al-Fatḥ (“Camp of Conquest”), from which the name of the present city is derived. He also erected the great fortified wall within which the modern town has developed, and he began construction of an enormous mosque, of which the notable Tower of Hassān, its half-completed minaret, remains. After 1609 the unified community of Rabat-Salé became the home of large numbers of Andalusian Moors who had been driven from Spain and, later, of the so-called Sallee Rovers, the most dreaded of the Barbary pirates (also known as corsairs). Under the French, Rabat was made the administrative capital, and, upon Moroccan independence, it was designated, together with Salé, an urban prefecture; it now embraces an area of 492 square miles (1,275 square km).

 The old town, still surrounded by ramparts, lies near the coast. Within its fortifications are the medina (old Muslim town) and the millah (Jewish quarter). To the north, on a cliff above the Bou Regreg, stands the 17th-century fortress of Casbah des Oudaïa, with a splendid 12th-century Almohad gateway, an Andalusian garden, and an adjoining madrasah (religious college) that houses a museum of Moroccan art. Southeast of the old town are a number of outstanding historical structures, including the Tower of Hassān and the foundations of its never-completed mosque, across from which is located the mausoleum of Muḥammad V.

  To the southwest of the old town are an archaeological museum and the city gate, Bab al-Rouah, also dating from the Almohad rule. The modern quarter of Rabat is partly enclosed by the fortified wall. Relatively modern structures, including a royal palace built in the 1950s, Muḥammad V University (founded 1957), the national library, and various administrative buildings, are located in the city's southern outskirts. Various national embassies can be found throughout the modern city, and a number of international organizations have offices there.

      No longer a port of any significance because of the silting up of the river mouth, the city is now the centre of an important textile industry and is noted for its carpets, blankets, and leather handicrafts. Other economic activities include fruit and fish processing and the manufacture of bricks and asbestos. Rabat is connected to Casablanca (57 miles [92 km] to the southwest) and Tangier (174 miles [280 km] to the northeast) by road and railway, and it has an international airport. Pop. (2004) 1,622,860.

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