
Ga·e·ta (-āʹtə, -ĕʹtä)
A city of west-central Italy northwest of Naples on the Gulf of Gaeta, an inlet of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Gaeta was a favorite resort of the ancient Romans and a prosperous duchy from the 9th to the 12th century, when it was conquered by the Normans. Population: 22,605.

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Latin  Caieta  

      town, seaport, and archiepiscopal see, Latina province, Lazio region, south-central Italy, on the Gulf of Gaeta, northwest of Naples. Gaeta first came under the influence of the Romans in the 4th century BC; a road was built c. 184 BC connecting the town with the port, and it became a favoured Roman resort. After the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century AD, Gaeta remained loyal to the Byzantine Empire and preserved its independence throughout Gothic, Lombard, and Saracen wars and invasions. A maritime republic in the 8th century and autonomous duchy after 915, it capitulated in 1140 to the Normans, under whom it achieved great importance. In the 15th century it was the centre of struggles for succession to the throne of Naples. Its capitulation to the Kingdom of Italy in 1861 marked the end of the Bourbon Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.

      Outside the old walls the town has a modern appearance, but within them the character of a fortified square is preserved. The old town is dominated by the cathedral (11061278), which was restored in 1792 and contains a museum; and the Castello, the lower part of which dates from c. 1289 and the upper from c. 1435. The Monte d'Orlando (a public park) is supposed to be the site of the grave of Caieta (the nurse of Aeneas, mythical hero of Troy and Rome), after whom the town was named.

      Gaeta is a fishing port and seaside resort. It has a petroleum refinery and a glassworks. The U.S. Navy's Sixth Fleet is headquartered in Gaeta. Pop. (2001 est.) 22,515.

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Universalium. 2010.

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