
quartzitic /kwawrt sit"ik/, adj.
/kwawrt"suyt/, n.
a granular metamorphic rock consisting essentially of quartz in interlocking grains.
[1840-50; QUARTZ + -ITE1]

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Sandstone that has been converted into a solid quartz rock.

Quartzites are usually white; they fracture smoothly and break up into rubble under frost action. Sandstone may be converted to quartzite by precipitation of silica from waters below the Earth's surface; such rocks are called orthoquartzites, whereas those produced by recrystallization (metamorphism) are metaquartzites. Because they weather slowly, they tend to project as hills or mountain masses. Many prominent ridges in the Appalachian Mountains are composed of quartzite. Pure quartzites are a source of silica for metallurgical purposes and for the manufacture of silica brick. Quartzite is also quarried for paving and roofing materials.

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      sandstone that has been converted into a solid quartz rock. Unlike sandstones, quartzites are free from pores and have a smooth fracture; when struck, they break through, not around, the sand grains, producing a smooth surface instead of a rough and granular one. Conversion of sandstone to quartzite may be accomplished by precipitation of silica from interstitial waters below the Earth's surface; these rocks are called quartz arenites (quartz arenite), whereas those produced by recrystallization under high temperatures and pressures are metaquartzites.

      Quartzites are snowy white, less often pink or gray; they commonly have a fine angular jointing and break up into rubble under frost action. They yield a thin and very barren soil and, because they weather slowly, tend to project as hills or mountain masses. Many prominent ridges in the Appalachian Mountains are composed of highly resistant tilted beds of quartzite.

      The term quartzite implies not only a high degree of hardening (induration), orwelding,” but also a high content of quartz; similar rocks that contain appreciable quantities of other minerals and rock particles are impure quartzites, more appropriately called graywacke, lithic arenite, sandstone, or the like. Most quartzites contain 90 percent or more quartz, but some contain 99 percent and are the largest and purest concentrations of silica in the Earth's crust. Pure quartzites are a source of silica for metallurgical purposes and for the manufacture of silica brick. Quartzite is also quarried for paving blocks, riprap, road metal (crushed stone), railroad ballast, and roofing granules.

      In microscopic section the clastic structure of some quartzites is well preserved; the rounded sand grains are seen with quartz overgrowths deposited in crystalline continuity, so that optical properties of the grains are similar to those of the material surrounding them. In some cases a line of iron oxides may indicate the boundary of the original sand grain. Many quartzites, however, have been crushed, and the quartz largely is a mosaic of small, irregularly shaped crystalline fragments with interlocking margins; if these sheared quartzites contain white mica in parallel crystalline flakes, they become more fissile (easily broken apart) and pass into quartz schists.

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