
Ful·da (fo͝olʹdə)
A city of central Germany south-southeast of Kassel on the Fulda River, about 217 km (135 mi) long. The city grew around a Benedictine abbey founded in 744, which later became one of the foremost centers of culture and learning in Europe. Population: 57,180.

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      city, Hessen Land (state), central Germany. It lies on the Fulda River between the Rhön and Vogelsberg mountains. It developed around a Benedictine abbey founded in 744 by Sturmi, a disciple of St. Boniface. The abbey became a missionary centre, and its school was one of Europe's important seats of learning during the early Middle Ages, after Rabanus Maurus became its director in 803. It employed 12 manuscript copyists, and its great library survived until the 17th century. Fulda was chartered in 1157 and became a prince-abbacy; it was converted to a prince-bishopric when its abbot acquired the rank of bishop in 1752. It was the seat of a university during 17341803. The principality was secularized in 1802, passed to Hesse-Kassel in 1815, and annexed by Prussia in 1866.

      Fulda, which commands a strategic location for north-south and east-west routes in Germany, is an important rail junction. It was also an important military centre during the Cold War. Major industries now include banking and financial services. The major manufactures are textiles and clothing.

      Most of Fulda's noteworthy buildings form an integrated Baroque district, including the cathedral (170412; with the crypt of St. Boniface); the episcopal palace (1707), now the city hall and a museum; and the Orangery, before which stands the Floravase (1728), carved out of a single piece of stone. The Church of St. Michael dates from about 820, and the Probstei Church at Petersburg (just outside Fulda) is also 9th century. The Frauenberg Franciscan monastery (rebuilt 1760) is to the north of the city. Nearby Adolphseck Castle (173050), a former summer residence of the prince-bishops, is now a museum. The Land library contains a number of books from the monastic library. Fulda is the administrative centre for the neighbouring Hessische Rhön Nature Park. Pop. (2003 est.) 63,447.

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