
provable, adj.provability, provableness, n.provably, adv.provenly, adv.prover, n.
/proohv/, v., proved, proved or proven, proving.
1. to establish the truth or genuineness of, as by evidence or argument: to prove one's claim.
2. Law. to establish the authenticity or validity of (a will); probate.
3. to give demonstration of by action.
4. to subject to a test, experiment, comparison, analysis, or the like, to determine quality, amount, acceptability, characteristics, etc.: to prove ore.
5. to show (oneself) to have the character or ability expected of one, esp. through one's actions.
6. Math. to verify the correctness or validity of by mathematical demonstration or arithmetical proof.
7. Also, proof. Print. to take a trial impression of (type, a cut, etc.).
8. to cause (dough) to rise to the necessary lightness.
9. Archaic. to experience.
10. to turn out: The experiment proved to be successful.
11. to be found by trial or experience to be: His story proved false.
12. (of dough) to rise to a specified lightness: Leave covered until it has proved.
[1125-75; ME proven < OF prover < L probare to try, test, prove, approve, deriv. of probus good. See PROBITY]
Syn. 1. demonstrate, confirm, substantiate, verify.
Ant. 1. disprove.
Usage. Either PROVED or PROVEN is standard as the past participle of PROVE: Events have proved (or proven) him wrong. As a modifier, PROVEN is by far the more common: a proven fact.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • prove — ► VERB (past part. proved or proven) 1) demonstrate by evidence or argument the truth or existence of. 2) show or be seen to be: the scheme has proved a great success. 3) (prove oneself) demonstrate one s abilities or courage. 4) Law establish… …   English terms dictionary

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