Prohibition party

Prohibition party
a U.S. political party organized in 1869, advocating the prohibition of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages.

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Oldest minor U.S. political party still in existence.

It was founded in 1869 to campaign for legislation to prohibit the manufacture and sale of liquor. The party was strong in rural regions and among small-town voters affiliated with Protestant evangelical churches. It nominated candidates for state and local offices and attained national strength in the 1888 and 1892 presidential elections, when its candidates polled 2.2% of the vote. Since 1900 it has been active mainly on local levels.

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 oldest minor U.S. political party still in existence. It was founded in 1869 to campaign for legislation to prohibit the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors, and from time to time has nominated candidates for state and local office in nearly every state of the Union. Rural and small-town voters affiliated with Protestant evangelical churches provided most of the party's support. The Prohibition Party reached the peak of its national strength in the elections of 1888 and 1892, in each of which its candidate for president polled 2.2 percent of the popular vote. After 1900 its strength was effective mainly on the local and county levels.

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  • Prohibition Party — Chairman Toby Davis Founded 1869 (1869) Ideology Temperance Website …   Wikipedia

  • Prohibition Party — National Prohibition Convention 1892 in Cincinnati, Ohio Die Prohibition Party ist eine US amerikanische Partei, die gegen den Verkauf von Alkohol eintritt und einer der Fürsprecher der Abstinenzbewegung war. Obwohl die Partei nie zu den… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Prohibition Party — noun a political party in the United States; formed in 1869 to oppose the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages • Hypernyms: ↑party, ↑political party * * * a U.S. political party organized in 1869, advocating the prohibition of the… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Prohibition party — Prohibi′tion Par ty n. gov a U.S. political party organized in 1869, advocating the prohibition of alcoholic beverages …   From formal English to slang

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  • Scottish Prohibition Party — The Scottish Prohibition Party was a minor Scottish political party founded in 1901. It was represented in the House of Commons by Edwin Scrymgeour from 1922 1931, after he defeated Winston Churchill. Primarily concerned with alcohol prohibition …   Wikipedia

  • PROHIBITION — (1919 1933) Par le XVIIIe amendement à la Constitution, ratifié en janvier 1919, la prohibition est instaurée aux États Unis. Désormais, il est interdit de fabriquer, de vendre et d’acheter sur le territoire fédéral toutes les boissons qui… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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