
/proh"gram, -greuhm/, n., v., programmed or programed, programming or programing.
1. a plan of action to accomplish a specified end: a school lunch program.
2. a plan or schedule of activities, procedures, etc., to be followed.
3. a radio or television performance or production.
4. a list of items, pieces, performers, etc., in a musical, theatrical, or other entertainment.
5. an entertainment with reference to its pieces or numbers: a program of American and French music.
6. a planned, coordinated group of activities, procedures, etc., often for a specific purpose, or a facility offering such a series of activities: a drug rehabilitation program; a graduate program in linguistics.
7. a prospectus or syllabus: a program of courses being offered.
8. Computers.
a. a systematic plan for the automatic solution of a problem by a computer.
b. the precise sequence of instructions enabling a computer to solve a problem.
9. to schedule as part of a program.
10. Computers. to prepare a program for.
11. to insert or encode specific operating instructions into (a machine or apparatus): We'll program the bells to ring at ten-minute intervals.
12. to insert (instructions) into a machine or apparatus: An automatic release has been programmed into the lock as a safety feature.
13. to cause to absorb or incorporate automatic responses, attitudes, or the like; condition: Our parents programmed us to respect our elders.
14. to set, regulate, or modify so as to produce a specific response or reaction: Program your eating habits to eliminate sweets.
15. to plan or write a program.
Also, esp. Brit., programme.
[1625-35; < LL programma < Gk prógramma public notice in writing. See PRO-2, -GRAM1]

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(as used in expressions)
program computer
stored program concept

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