- primum mobile
1. (in Ptolemaic astronomy) the outermost of the 10 concentric spheres of the universe, making a complete revolution every 24 hours and causing all the others to do likewise.[lit., first moving (thing)]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Primum mobile — Pri mum mob i*le [L., first cause of motion.] (Astron.) In the Ptolemaic system, the outermost of the revolving concentric spheres constituting the universe, the motion of which was supposed to carry with it all the inclosed spheres with their… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
primum mobile — the first source of motion, mid 15c., from L. (11c.), lit. the first movable thing; see PRIME (Cf. prime) (adj.) + MOBILE (Cf. mobile). A translation of Arabic al muharrik al awwal the first moving (Avicenna, c.1037; Shahrastani, c.1153) … Etymology dictionary
primum mobile — [prī′məm mō′bə lē΄] n. [ML, first movable thing: see PRIME, adj. & MOBILE] Astron. in the Ptolemaic system, the tenth and outermost concentric sphere, revolving from east to west around the earth and causing all celestial bodies to revolve with… … English World dictionary
Primum mobĭle — (P. movens), s. Urkraft … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Primum mobĭle — (lat.), das »erste Bewegliche«, die Haupttriebfeder; in der alten Astronomie die erste der Kristallsphären des Eudoxus, durch deren in 24 Stunden vor sich gehende Rotation um die Weltachse die tägliche Bewegung der Sterne sowie der Wechsel von… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Primum mobile — Primum mobĭle (lat.), das erste Bewegliche, die Haupttriebfeder; in der alten Astronomie die erste oder tägliche (scheinbare) Bewegung des Himmels … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Primum Mobile — In medieval and Renaissance astronomy, the Primum Mobile, or first moved, was the outermost moving sphere in the geocentric model of the universe. The primum mobile was thought to be responsible for the apparent daily movement of the heavens… … Wikipedia
Primum Mobile — Pri|mum Mo|bi|le das; <aus gleichbed. lat. primum mobile> der erste [unbewegte] Beweger (bei Aristoteles; Philos.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Primum mobile — The tenth and outermost of the spheres which were thought to make up the universe in the system devised by Ptolemy, astronomer of Alexandria (d. c. 165). This tenth sphere caused all other inner spheres to move in its revolution of 24 hours. [Lat … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
primum mobile — noun (plural primum mobiles) Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin, literally, first moving thing Date: 15th century the outermost concentric sphere conceived in medieval astronomy as carrying the spheres of the fixed stars and the… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Primum mobile — последняя (одиннадцатая) сфера в системе мира Птолемея, расположенная по ту сторону сферы неподвижных звезд и сообщавшая движение всем остальным сферам (см. Система мира) … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона